I think my luck is very bad. I can not earn good profits on cryptocurrency trading any day. An example of this is Doge coin. I invested in Doge coin probably 2 months ago. Which I bought 39 satoshi and bought a total of 126000 doge coins. It was almost 2-3 weeks, I did not check the price. But when I check price on coinmarketcap a few days ago, see Doge coin 100 satoshi cross. After that I was very happy. But when I login into exchange, for selling Doge coin, I was shocked, seeing that my coins were sold in 49 satoshi. I did not remember when I had a sell order. After seeing that I was upset. That was not the first time, before several times, I could not sell many coins at a good price 😞
But finally, an education has realized that if you buy a coin for long or short time, then you should check price minimum one time every day.
I would not say it's luck, I think the market is just not in a good state right now, that even when you are prepared for the trades you make, they sometimes go down sight in a very unexplained fashion, therefore, you can't totally blame luck for it. I think, what you need to do is to actually take a step back and see whether you did some miscalculations or miscues in some areas that lead to the loss. I mean, even seasoned traders sometimes go after leads that would seem good on the onset, but would not be a good one in hind site. I mean, since the market is not in a good state right now, every venture one makes should be double even triple checked if necessary.