Thank you for some great suggestions ThatDGuy!
The password length of 4-11 seems like an interesting choice - not necessarily a major thing, but given the overall level of security that is common and encouraged in the Bitcoin market, is that something that is easily changed to allow a longer password?
Oops, a very valid point. Upped the limit to 20 characters
Do you have something in mind for increasing the time scale of the graphs so that they can be viewed over a day/week/month/year or custom timeframe?
Yes. I still need to do a bit of data gathering as some of my data only goes back 7 days. I have written some code to "cherry pick" data points from the past, but I'm not 100% happy with yet. The graphs only look good with between 20 to 30 data points. The cherry picking method won't work, especially in a volatile market. I'll need to group the data in blocks and average it out. Once I have the alerts up and running I would love to revisit this.
As a follow-up to that second point - the inclusion of a time-zone selector for individual's accounts would be awesome, to populate the graphs with.
I fully agree that timezone's would be very helpful to users. I had a look at this when I upgraded the graphs from that original multi-line ugly graph I had. I see that it is possible to ask the browser via Javascript what the visitor's timezone is. My plan is to use that behind the scenes and let the browser rework the data for the visitor's timezone. The advantage is that non-signed in visitors will also see the data in their own timezone.
Otherwise I also plan on splitting up the graphs. Instead of having all the graphs on one big frontpage, I want to have 2 dropdown menu's at the top. Something like
[By Currency]
[BTC/USD] -> which will show all BTC/USD from all exchanges
[LTC/USD] -> same story, all LTC/USD from all exchanges
[BTC/LTC] -> yep :)
etc. etc.
[By Exchange]
[MTGox] -> will just show BTC/USD, but who knows, maybe Litecoin soon (their ticker API already supports litecoin, which says a lot)
[BTC-e] -> show all BTC-e's info in one place
etc. etc.
Once again thank you very much for taking the time to give me some feedback. All very much appreciated!