Could anyone enlighten me if the simulator has proven its worth so far, and if, and how it is being used at this time?
The simulator will calculate what the best protection needed to prefent the difficulty spikes. (I think a adjusted Digishield will be good.)
As you know there is a multipool getting easy blocks and immediatly it dumps on the exchange.
When this is fixxed the price get less resistance. And attention offcourse
Allot of other coins are experiencing this same issue with the algorithms. The simulator will come handy
Guldencoin uses Digishield and a other coin uses the simulator.
Devs are working together because its opensource. And its for you to decide wich coin/dev is worth your money.
You see there is a active dev team,community and market intrest.
Already 68 merchants using Guldencoin. Call me a coin in this early stage what is matching this?,There are some but not much.
I remember this coin getting a lot of attention in September because of merchant acceptation, do we have some stats on the popularity of Guldencoin with merchants?
I grabbed a few coins around 400 in the beginning of the month because this is probably the only decent coin with a lot of merchant acceptation and a lot of users actually using it, instead of big plans/big promises and no user at all (99% of the coins out there).
Glad to see the price doing good over 500 satoshis!