Hello Guldencoin community,
This is Joe from XMG, I was asked to take a look at here basically a few days ago, however at that time I was too involved in XMG hardfork to look over the details. I realized my post could be too late so just sent a message to dev, while dev mentioned public discussion. Apologize if I am missing something, can't read all past pages, but I got something about the difficulty adjustment by average past blocks. In the approach using exponential moving average, there is a parameter which can control the averaging weights giving to each of blocks. By changing this parameter, we can get the difficulty dominantly from 1, 2, or equal average of past blocks. In a more complex way is dynamically changing this parameter at where needed. That might need some closer looking at some real sample data. In addition to that, we can also take into account the block time in calculating weights; by doing this, less weight is giving to a block which has the lower difficulty, to avoid huge dropping of the difficulty. If any of you are interested to discussion, I am open to that, send me a PM. Thx.
Thanks very much for your response Joe, I have also sent a message to Geert to have a look at your PM when he gets a chance.