In De Week van Bitcoin #33 zijn Henk Compier van Electronic Gulden en Rijk Plasman van Guldencoin te gast. Henk vertelt over de stichting Electronic Gulden Foundation en waarom het het bestuur en development van de EFL heeft overgenomen. Er is nauwelijks contact meer met de originele ontwikkelaars. Rijk legt uit wat de guldencoin is, hoe men er aan kan komen en waar hij kan worden uitgegeven. Er wordt uitgebreid gesproken over de verschillen en technische specificaties van de coins en waarom we eigenlijk regionale alt coins nodig hebben.
YouTube link:
2 quick questions for those who unfortunately don't speak Dutch:
1. I see one of the top questions on the hangout was (via google translate) "Why use regional virtual currencies instead of the original, namely Bitcoin?". Can anyone briefly summarize how that was answered in the interview? Anything discussed besides the pre-mine distribution of NLG to NL citizens or national pride?
2. Was there any question about merging the 2 efforts and combine forces? IE: offering a period of time to exchange 1 coin for the other at a set rate, then burning the outgoing coin. Assuming one market cap is significantly larger than the other in the future this seems possible. With so many alt-coins out there, seems there is enough competition without having to compete with yourselves. Thanks! --Mark