
Topic: Need help with blade erupter set up. 8 blades total. (Read 1090 times)

Activity: 40
Merit: 0

Now heres my problem

I had someone help me last night change all the IP addresses so that they are labeled etc

As shown in your image.. your user:pass is not correct ( blade1:123 will not work)
IE.. username.worker1,passwordhere:username.worker1,passwordhere
if your pool id is cmilliorn your user:pass would be cmilliorn.blade1:123,cmilliorn.blade1:123

Activity: 46
Merit: 0
ok i dont guess I understand where that information is supposed to entered...

yes i can ping it
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
try this mining_proxy.exe  -o -p 3333
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
the proxys running right your blade isnt connected to the proxy properly.. 8332 on the blade is correct... are you sure you have got your settings right... you must have the exact user.worker login on the blades and password... can  u ping the blade ip from command prompt
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
Ya, it appears settings are right but its not working. In bfgminer there was a place you went in and changed settings. Now it doesnt look like I can do that besides changing blades settings. Hurting my brain
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
Well all I get is this

C:\Users\Shannon\Desktop\mining_proxy (1).exe\twisted\web\ Deprecati
onWarning: Passing filenames or file objects to XMLFile is deprecated since Twis
ted 12.1.  Pass a FilePath instead.
2013-11-19 15:50:56,471 INFO proxy jobs. # C extension for midstate not
available. Using default implementation instead.
2013-11-19 15:50:56,476 WARNING proxy mining_proxy.main # Stratum proxy version:
2013-11-19 15:50:56,483 WARNING proxy mining_proxy.test_update # Checking for up
2013-11-19 15:50:58,088 WARNING proxy mining_proxy.main # Trying to connect to S
tratum pool at
2013-11-19 15:50:58,255 INFO stats stats.print_stats # 1 peers connected, state
changed 1 times
2013-11-19 15:50:58,256 INFO proxy mining_proxy.on_connect # Connected to Stratu
m pool at
2013-11-19 15:50:58,256 INFO proxy mining_proxy.on_connect # Subscribing for min
ing jobs
2013-11-19 15:50:58,346 WARNING proxy mining_proxy.main # ----------------------
2013-11-19 15:50:58,346 WARNING proxy mining_proxy.main # PROXY IS LISTENING ON
ALL IPs ON PORT 3333 (stratum) AND 8332 (getwork)
2013-11-19 15:50:58,346 WARNING proxy mining_proxy.main # ----------------------
2013-11-19 15:50:58,348 INFO proxy client_service.handle_event # Setting new dif
ficulty: 3
2013-11-19 15:50:58,348 INFO proxy client_service.handle_event # New job 60d4 fo
r prevhash 1be014cc, clean_jobs=True
2013-11-19 15:51:24,153 INFO proxy client_service.handle_event # Setting new dif
ficulty: 1
2013-11-19 15:51:24,154 INFO proxy client_service.handle_event # New job 60d5 fo
r prevhash 1be014cc, clean_jobs=True
2013-11-19 15:51:24,217 INFO proxy client_service.handle_event # New job 60d5 fo
r prevhash 1be014cc, clean_jobs=False
2013-11-19 15:51:54,125 INFO proxy client_service.handle_event # New job 60d6 fo
r prevhash 1be014cc, clean_jobs=False
2013-11-19 15:52:24,467 INFO proxy client_service.handle_event # New job 60d7 fo
r prevhash 70ee67b7, clean_jobs=True
2013-11-19 15:52:26,180 INFO proxy client_service.handle_event # New job 60d8 fo
r prevhash 70ee67b7, clean_jobs=False
2013-11-19 15:52:55,513 INFO proxy client_service.handle_event # New job 60d9 fo
r prevhash 70ee67b7, clean_jobs=False
2013-11-19 15:53:25,068 INFO proxy client_service.handle_event # New job 60da fo
r prevhash 70ee67b7, clean_jobs=False
2013-11-19 15:53:55,082 INFO proxy client_service.handle_event # New job 60db fo
r prevhash 70ee67b7, clean_jobs=False
2013-11-19 15:54:25,730 INFO proxy client_service.handle_event # New job 60dc fo
r prevhash 70ee67b7, clean_jobs=False
2013-11-19 15:54:55,562 INFO proxy client_service.handle_event # New job 60dd fo
r prevhash 70ee67b7, clean_jobs=False
2013-11-19 15:55:25,637 INFO proxy client_service.handle_event # New job 60de fo
r prevhash 70ee67b7, clean_jobs=False
2013-11-19 15:55:55,552 INFO proxy client_service.handle_event # New job 60df fo
r prevhash 70ee67b7, clean_jobs=False
2013-11-19 15:56:25,680 INFO proxy client_service.handle_event # New job 60e0 fo
r prevhash 70ee67b7, clean_jobs=False

Sometimes it says true it can handle a new job but mostly false and no shares submitted. Also I see its connecting to 3333 but the blades use 8332 dont they? Is that why its not working.

I just don't get why something with basic simple instructions is causing me issue...
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
just run the proxy from the desktop no need for command line additions the proxy will be scrolling with alot of warnings and your worker details, slushs pool will show the mhs and last share 0 minutes and the blade config mhs will increase

you must have different worker ids for each blade
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
Alright thats what I downloaded and when you click run its start running the proxy. My settings (Im only doing one blade at the moment to get it switched over) are exactly the same as above but I changed the last line to username.2,2:username.2,2

All my passwords for my workers are just the same numbers ie  worker number 2
s pw is 2 etc...

I didnt enter 1 because 1 was working on the other proxy and I want to see when this one is up and how fast its working, is that ok?

Before in bfgminer, the program was the one forwarding the miners to the correct worker. As you see above the username and pw only showed up on the command window and the username and pw didnt matter. If that makes sense.
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
try the proxy first

make sure your user:pass is username.worker1,passwordhere:username.worker1,passwordhere
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
Alright I dont understand how to setup slush proxy.

I went here

I then clicked on the Download official based binaries on the bottom and it opens up a command prompt. However I don't understand what to change the settings on each blade to in order to connect to the proxy. Shouldn't it be the same? Im lost and sad now  Huh
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
Your problems could be power related or proxy related,

the 5th blade killing other blades is a bit of a mystery.....  what internet router do u have?

maybe this could be the problem...

you say

              4 ethernet cables connected to a blade
              4 ethernet cables connected to a blade

do u mean that you have connected router to switch then another switch? or both connected of the router

I have just got a 16 port switch, before It was router to two switches. I bought a netgear 16 port switch.

I still get the same problem, 4 are working fine plug in the 5th and boom it kill all but one of them instantly. Its doesnt appear to be power because I can plug all 8 in and they light up and show up on the router, but if you connect them to the proxy they die.

I am going to try and set up another proxy but am not 100% on how to do it. Nor can I find slushes proxy on the website...Will it work with the blades?
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
Your problems could be power related or proxy related,

the 5th blade killing other blades is a bit of a mystery.....  what internet router do u have?

maybe this could be the problem...

you say

              4 ethernet cables connected to a blade
              4 ethernet cables connected to a blade

do u mean that you have connected router to switch then another switch? or both connected of the router?

Activity: 46
Merit: 0
Awesome, I use slush pool just use bfgminer. I will try this different proxy when I get home later and see if that's any better.

Do you think the proxy/settings could be why it kicks off the 5th blade?
Activity: 40
Merit: 0

im not sure what pool your on but we can change this later on

Go to slush's pool register and then add workers for you blades ie.  username.worker1, username.worker2 all the way to 8

download the proxy, and run you should see it load and say proxy is listening all ips on port 3333 and 8332

next change your blade setup 1 at a time on user:pass to your worker ids and passwords ie username.worker1,passwordhere:username.worker1,passwordhere

update/restart blade

now you should see the proxy 'going nuts'

try this and report back

one other thing in my blade settings
my primary dns setting  is the same as gateway setting
jr. member
Activity: 37
Merit: 4
it's easy , there is a howto with the file links for windows and linux on the slush site
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
I am not familiar with slush proxy are the settings similar?
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
Yes they are brand new version, the hashrate is going through fine even though it's not showing it there. No I don't have another power supply. Supposedly it gives up to 850 watts and I only have 4 on there. The weird thing is that I can put all 8 blades on it and they all light up and are working. They just won't hash more than 4 at a time. I don't know how else to test it. I don't know how to test the power supply or maybe even the backplane to ensure they are working correctly.

I'm only iphone so sorry if the format came back weird. Is there a way to post pics Fromm phone I'm not he atm but have pics on my phone that could help
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
Are the blades v2's? (All in one) ... Using the back plane?
Are you sure that the psu is powerful enough ?
Each blade wants about 100w
Do u have another psu?

In the screen-shot it shows no hashrate.... is this still a issue? I had this issue with bfgminer so i use slush proxy

Your settings look fine
The x is a bad chip
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
i had issues setting up my blades a few weeks ago..

have u set up startum proxy on a computer?

do u get the same 4 working using the other switch?

Yes the proxy to my laptop, yes I can get 4 running on any configuration just not more than that.
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
i had issues setting up my blades a few weeks ago..

have u set up startum proxy on a computer?

do u get the same 4 working using the other switch?
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