In amount.h, change line 20 with CAmount MAX_MONEY = 21000000 to where the integer value you are assigning is the same as the number of total coins you want. Set it equal to the value multiplying by coin in nSubsidy if you want 100% premine.
As for the genesis block, you would need to either rewrite that or find code that does it for you. The code to generate that has long since been removed from the source. I may have a snippet somewhere, I'll take a look.
How to I change the name/settings for the coin?
PS: If this works out, I got a cheque for you
For the name/settings for the coin, you've got a lot of searching to do through the code. You simply find strings of "Bitcoin" and replace them with "whatevercoin".
Since you're doing this just for your own personal tests and aren't interested in the code, use a service (I recommend to make a coin for you. you can even do this for free! I've emailed them before and they are helpful.
Good luck.
Thanks for all your help.
Get a VPN address and PM it to me.
I got a cheque for you
PS: Do it soon as it is late here and I am tired
Sell your VPN on any exchange then send any Bitcoin to the address on my profile as a tip. Don't feel obligated to tip me, but I don't (and won't) have a VPN wallet.
Dude, I only work with VPN now....
Besides, you will lose coins if it has to go through exchanges.
My question is:
Shall I PM you with a cheque?
This amount is arbitrary to lose on an exchange. I'll accept Bitcoin, not VPN.
Feel free to not pay. That's on you. I've listed my options.
10K VPN has been sold and sent to your address (approx. 0.01034410 BTC)
Please confirm if you have received.
Feel free to lock your thread, and PM me if you have any questions.
Will do, I am sure I will come up with "problems"