The biosphere is absurdly complex, and often irreparable on human time-scales. A rational actor across the world can toxify a lake which destroys a local insect population which reduces the throughput of migratory birds which were themselves fertilising speciaised plants halfway around the globe with a continuing chain of effects.
These events happen naturally at a variable frequency, but the rate at which they are now occurring is effectively an emergency.
In the history of humanity, we generally destroy enormous wealths of biological diversity for individual economic gain. Now that individuals have the potential to damage large amounts of the Earth through market forces, many people believe that they should be preemptively prevented.
An extreme example is of Joe Bloggs deciding to set up a fission power plant to sell power to his neighbours. Even if they all agree, the potential damage could be felt worldwide.
I understand your point very well in that matter. Let's say my answer is the typical response you would get from a "fundamental" anarchist, in that the responsabilities that I am willing to bear and the actions that I am willing to take are certainly not enough to properly and effectively half wrong doings, in this case pollution, but that such actions will put a term to obvious, tangible problems that the actual system perpetuates.
I am aware that ecological consequences are of an unfathomable complexity, yet there are a few obvious, potent ill effect that could be put to an end right now and that would have disappeared long ago if it wasn't for government support. Let's say extensive corn farming as an example. But my knowledge of the environement is too limited to present you with well documented arguments, so i'll provide you with an economic analogy, since i think we can agree money is managed as a common nowadays.
I am thinking about fractional reserve banking. See, there will be people who will argue that fiat currency is necessary to support today's economy, or that debt supports the kind of growth that a savings based economy could never dream to achieve, and i don't pretend that walking out of the fiat system will fix all the ills of the world, simply that I choose to not be part of it (one of the reasons I like Bitcoin). But whatever your stand might be on that matter, the fractional banking act is an abomination and needs to go.
My point, if you may percieve it so, is that to chose between an unknown future rathered than a well identified evil, I will pick the unknown, and that I will always be best served by myself. And also that political power attracts the corrupt, so I wish for as little of it to be available as possible.
Of course, a society where people are directly liable for their actions is doomed if their members aren't acting is a responsible fashion, but then again, such is the case in any other type of society.
The contradiction with communism or socialism globally, is that it purports people should be ruled, implying they are evil, and yet that to rule them is for their own good, which they don't deserve, since they are evil by definition.
I aknowledge that socialism has birthed some social progress, but it all appears to me as a band aid to fix ills that have been born from socialist reforms to begin with.