The fund raiser ends after page 90. It will probably be several weeks after this before the coins are distributed, correct? Is there an estimated time or a time we're shooting for? I'll be checking back regularly and in the meantime I'll be roaming these forums. I would like to say I'm pretty excited.
There is no given time-frame for the release of the genesis block. The developers have recently announced that they'll be building NEM on the best ideas of NXT and BTC from the ground up with new code, which obviously takes a longer time than simply cloning the NXT code.
I'd estimate 2-3 months? I'm no programmer, but the time between the IPO of NXT and its
official release was 3-4 months. The genesis block was mined and distributed long before that. Having said that, I have no idea how many people were working on NXT and how much time they put into it per week. We're definitely looking at no sooner than April I reckon. It's still very much in it's early stages.
I am also very excited! The best thing about NEM so far is it's community; there are so many eager, nice and intelligent people here