Agreed, but I still think it should be done before page 81. It's not much, but at least it means using mutliple accounts and multiple funding acounts.
Also let's hear other opinions from the community.
If you do anything retroactively its tricky cause you have already allowed a guy with accounts called 'sockpuppet-1' etc and said multiple accounts were allowed. People will cry foul then you'll have a headache of complaining people. I don't want my NEM diluted too much but I'm still happy at the idea of getting 1M. I was so annoyed I didn't get in on NXT, the distribution was crazy with some with 50M etc that's the same as like 200 accounts of NEM due to it having less coins overall. Even the most dedicated sock puppets maker couldnt do that, and if they do then maybe they deserve it!
Only people with multiple accounts would complain. Too bad for them, that is the point.
But multiple accounts was 'allowed' in the first statement, I think my issue is if you change the game rules half way your going to get a lot of people pissed. With sock puppet accounts you get annoyed complainers upset with the idea that somone has more than them. But changing the rules halfway could seriously give the coin bad PR from the start. People here should be careful not to complain too much cause if they do they will destroy the coin then no one benefits, its hard to promote a coin on the idea of no envy when you have a ton of people full of envy on the forums
I also think you just not going to get too many massive holders. The majority will have one stake...hopefully.