I think anyone with a stake that complains about this issue should reflect a moment about the real impact and should reflect on his/her own position in this thing. A smashing majority of us shareholders bought a stake for peanuts and can sell their stake for 15000-28000NXT on the AE. What did you do for this fabulous reward: NOTHING! Free money...
Now what did utopianfuture do for NEM: a whole damn lot! Only for the stuff he did on the frontstage he should have several stakes, let alone the stuff he did backstage.
Those nagging about the principle-issue of fairness, what you theoretically and scrutinously defend is practically worst than communism. Everybody is equal in rewards but a handful should do all the work for the same reward. That's not even communism, that's leeching.
And the hidden agenda of come-from-wherever-the-f*ck-you-are is blatant trolling and is doing much worse damage to NEM than anything utopianfuture did.
Я пpeдлoжил в pyccкoй вeткe coздaть aдpec для пoжepтвoвaний для Utopian Future зa eгo нaчaльный и бoльшoй вклaд в paзвитиe Nem. Bы coглacны пocлe зaпycкa пpoeктa пoжepтвoвaть eмy нa дoбpoвoльнoй ocнoвe Nem?
Дoлю, stake нe дaвaть, нo aдpec для пoжepтвoвaний пycть бyдeт. Taк eгo вклaд в paзвитиe Nem бyдeт cпpaвeдливo oцeнён.
I suggested to create in the Russian thread the address for donations for Utopian Future for its initial and big contribution to Nem development. You agree after start of the project to offer to it on a voluntary basis of Nem?
Not to give a share, stake, but the address for donations let will be. So its contribution to development of Nem will be fairly estimated.