A supply in the billions was once controversial until it was popularized by Doge, NXT and Ripple. Now many coins come out with a supply in the billions. It could very well be the case that a supply in the trillions will work better but we don't know as nobody has taken the initiative to try it.
I think from an international perspective the international monetary supply is around $20 trillion and then derivative, assets and other things do add up to $500 trillion to $1 quadrillion. So having a NEM supply at 800 - 888 trillion does fit that global scale.
I think it would also work better for tipping. Doge used to get a lot of interest as people were tipping each other millions of coins but nobody does this anymore because 1 million Doge = $200+ and you aren't going to tip a stranger $200 bucks+. People don't get as excited over a free 10,000 coins anymore. This change would mean each stake would get around 250 billion NEM each and that is a lot of tipping millions. It is a psychological thing but many people like the sound of millions and billions.
I don't think the motivation from anybody here is to cause a riot or a meltdown. I think we have to remember we are still in the innovation phase. The user base of this digital currency technology is only 500K-2M people when the internet in 1989 had up to 3 million. We should always be trying to take every unprecedented initiative we can with the hopes of introducing this technology to more people. One form of that, I guess, could be "much NEM much wow" where new users are lured in by receiving millions of coins.
We could update the NEM gold and silver coins to have much more impressive numbers!
I'm up in the air about the max coins available, but in my opinion
our stakes shouldn't be increased any more over 2 million. The problem with Doge in my opinion is that too many people have way too many coins.
Do you mean that for one person should not be given more than 2 millions?
... or 1 NEMstake <= 2 million NEMcoins ?
If yes, then you may be right.
We may not perceive the big numbers well enough. With cryptocurrencies can be used a "helper": translate the coin amounts to dollar/euro/localCurrency values
... until crypto become more valuable.
(Ofc, one can say that if someone has 4000 000 dollars, he can afford to go "little bit nuts" and give 10 000 dollars to everyone, who walks on the same street with him