>>>But how do you decide this, by retaining the original spread leaves the everyone with the same proprtion instead of in anway putting more power to say devs or any other allocation. The unclaimed shares are never wasted they make everyone else stronger. To sell them on the open market transfer wealth away from those who paid for them. In the IPO every one paid right?
There was no IPO. The actual definition of an IPO is Initial Public Offering. It is an offering to list equities. There were no equities to sell at all. Because there was no IPO, there was no rights offer.
The offer was to handout free NEM coins and to sell some NEM Coins to defray some costs of operations. This has been in discussion for about 5 months already and also a few more months is now given to claim after close. I believe that is long enough for anyone with interest to claim. Question arises as to who is going to sit around to wait for someone to come along till eternity?
The administrators of these coins are volunteers and they cannot be volunteers forever. They also need to move on with their lives. Do understand that those few dollar contributions that many have given to buy those NEM Coins do not entitle them do demand what is good or what is bad from the volunteers.
Everyone's voice is being heard and that there is also a consensus to say that the leftovers be used for the betterment of NEM.
Finally, we need to understand that volunteers don't own these coins.
So, no one has the ultimate right over these coins and no one is going to be around for the rest of time to look after these coins. Hence the it is generally accepted that these coins be used for the betterment of NEM AND NOT FOR THE DEVS.
>>>I'm not saying NXT or NEM *is* as scam, far from it, but it does chop a leg out from a possible claim. NXT does suffer from this perception, and the cutting short of the intial IPO did not help.
I believe NXT has its own set of other problems and we should not even compare NXT with NEM in the first place. In as far as what goes on in NEM, to date since the departure of UP, there was no scandal of any kind that is so detrimental to NEM.
People who buy into IPO's but never realize their shares, dont have thier shares revoked
Yes, you are right. But no, you are wrong that there was ever an IPO. There were no shares being offered and sold.