At this stage 100 000 nxt for 1 Nemstake is reasonable but I would only consider selling it for at least 1000 000 nxt. Nxt would have to get back to 10 cents to make 100 000 dollars. Im holding NEM to get more than that.
I'll take it a step further and say what I've said before, I'm
never selling NEM unless sometime far into the future the underlying tech that makes it tick is no longer valuable or looks as if it will be deprecated and cannot be adapted to change as the crypto landscape evolves.
If you truly believe in a crypto ecosystem like NEM, the end goal should never be to "sell at a target fiat price". The end game for NEM is to never have to convert to fiat, ever. That is the ultimate goal and the goal that I'm trying to do whatever I can to help NEM push towards. Of course, we have to think about the value in fiat now to determine exactly what we can purchase with our NEM, but if we are true believers in NEM we should never think about selling it.
This is a movement after all, as it says in the name. This is something big. Something that could truly change the entire world for the better, and that is no exaggeration. Satoshi got the ball rolling when he unleashed Bitcoin upon the world, much like I'd say Tim Berners-Lee got the ball rolling for the Internet as we know it today with the WWW or what the guys at MITS did to get the ball rolling for the PC market with the Altair 8800. Of course, it was the many new products, services, inventions, and ideas that these initial inventions spawned that went on to truly change the world but they never could have existed if it was not for what came first. Bitcoin was the inspiration, and NEM is (well, could be... nothing is for certain) the movement that will change how the world works.
Of course, it's up to all of us to make it happen. Not just the devs, not just the moderators or the community leaders, but every one of us is a part of this movement and its success depends on all of us. If you ever wanted a chance to do something that could drastically improve the lives of millions or even billions of people all around the world, this is it. We are in the right place at the right time. What comes of it is simply what we make it.
+1 NEM isn't a about the day trade for me. I know a lot of people are looking at prices and I get that and sometimes get carried away too. But ultimately to me this project is about changing how the world thinks about money.
I would say that is the same for Bitcoin and I love Bitcoin but as a platform I think it isn't light enough, fast enough enough, easy enough, and flexible enough. This is where I see NEM coming in and if I can have anything to do with it, I'm going to push for Bitcoin to disrupt the way people think about money and then have NEM expand on that.
Allegorically, I want Bitcoin to open the door and NEM to knock the house down. I'm serious. I think NEM just happens to be uniquely and luckily positioned in time and technology in one of those vary rare and very tightly positioned turning points to take advantage and be completely disruptive.
I really think we are the at the beginning of Apple or Microsoft. We are the ones working out of garages and basements. We have very humble beginnings. We aren't the first to market, even others before were quite large (IBM = Bitcoin), but we are the first up to do really do it right and find the sweet spot where the tech, the needs of the people, and our vision and abilities collide to make this truly disruptive game changer.