Asset Exchanges, multigateways etc. nice to have but isn't interesting for Joe Average.
POW, POS, blockchain and much more is nerd terminology and confuses people more than it helps.
Time will come, when sitting in front of a PC, writing codes and adding features is not enough.
Then it's time to lift the asses and connect NEM to the real world.
My idea:
Create a NEM discount card and ask suitable companies to accept NEM-cards
(as for instance - refuel your car and get a NEM-discount added to yoir NEM-Wallet instead of a few cent/gallon discount)
It's little bit like Payback, not Fiat-based but NEM-based. And it could be the start of NEM into real life
It would have a practical use, makes NEM known and may infect Joe Average to consider NEM for other purposes.
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You know what? You can start your own company to work on this and get this going. If everyone is like you, then, NEM has much to offer. ;-)