However, it is also important to realize that in order for NEM to reach its full potential, the community needs to come together and create a vibrant ecosystem that can meet the future needs of our users.
Towards this end, we are planning to prepare to work towards creating key projects required for a comprehensive ecosystem, with an emphasis on mobile apps and a fast, secure exchange, that will fully utilize our upcoming P2P asset exchange. To build this infrastructure, we need to raise funds to compete with the likes of MaidSafe and Ethereum.
Rather than centralize more power with the dev team, we are considering promoting a separate entity that would create and maintain several key ecosystem projects. To create this entity, we should have serious funding to hire full time programmers to work in parallel with the core dev team. This would help us to hit the ground at full speed, right at V1 launch.
If you have any ideas for good ways to raise significant funds (hundreds of BTC), please post them here. I am interested in what kind of thoughts and ideas people have.
I think this is a brilliant idea to move forward, lest we are left behind. According to the preliminary draft development contract, there is no actual provision for funds till after V1, which I believe should not have been the case to start with. Perhaps it was an oversight.
We should do a crowdsale of sorts and it would be good if we all can support it. We really need to get things going. There are so many things to be done and so scarce of resources.
I think a crowdsale of something is an interesting idea. What we sell needs to be thought of carefully, but if done right, it could help bring a lot of attention to NEM, perhaps even bringing in people from outside of crypto.
If we can raise sufficient funds and start building a robust ecosystem in parallel, I think NEM has a much better chance of beating the Goldman-Sachsian Übermensch at Ethereum and securing financial freedom for humanity
It needs to be something tangible so that people can relate to it plus it should have some long term intrinsic value. I believe if there is value proposition even people from outside the NEM realm will also partake in this exercise. We will need evangelist to go out there too to help bring the crowd in for the crowdsale.