This is the Nem stakeholders list.
looks like a lot of the Node sockpuppets are now NEM stakeholders
Wow they caught a bunch! Not that it makes a difference for them when it comes to NEM. We knew all along that some would slip through. We still reached our goal of having the best distribution so far. Someone just mentioned how impressive it was to have as many veteran accounts as we do, and I have to agree there.
It will be interesting to see how NODE does. I'm a stakeholder and they have my full support as well. Those guys are no nonsense lol. There is no Pat there to take care of everyones little problems. I'm impressed with NODE, looks like they will deliver a rather good system.
The devs just clearly stated that they are not trying to be NEM or Nxt, which is good they have their own identity.
I just can't wait until NEM officially launches, it's going to be so sweet! Every week is a month in the crypto world, or worse, lol.
It's been a long time coming, but good to see steady progress.