I am trying and trying to install NEM on my mac. I have installed Java 8 and downloaded the file and unzipped, but I am stuck no step 2. "What is unpack to cd to package"? and How do I "set permissions"?
I copy and pasted the line "chmod +x nix.runNis.sh && chmod +x nix.runNcc.sh" in to terminal but it tells me "no such file or directory exists".
change to the dir where nix.runNis.sh and nix.runNcc.sh are.
The network seems to be down at the moment so your client won't be able to connect right now.
How do I change the dir where nix.runNis.sh and nix.runNcc.sh are? what should I click on or type?
Hi jabo38, you use the change directory (cd) command: http://alvinalexander.com/unix/edu/examples/cd.shtml
for example
cd ~/Downloads/package