Thought I'd drop by here and let you all know what's going on between myself and NEM right now...
I flew out to California to talk to Jeff about getting my coins from the initial distribution, but he was less than helpful. Since then, I've successfully gotten myself banned from the NEM and Cryptocurrency subreddits because of this issue. I guess I just don't know when to stop.
Some people will roll over and go away when you cheat them. I'm done with that. I will not stand for corruption. The NEM foundation has dug it's own grave with this, and they'll learn some basic ethics or will go down in flames.
So what's Your story in short? Were You treated as sockpuppet, or were you too lazy to reedem Your stake in time? I ask just of curiosity.
I did not get the bitcointalk messages until after the devs had already decided to keep the unclaimed coins.
Why was I not checking bitcoin talk daily?
I was involved with a business that I was trying to save... I lost $100k and it went belly up anyway.
I also started a non-profit, designed a fusion reactor, sued the City I live in, and sold a patent to a company that raised $10M on it.
Personally I am sorry you didn't make to claim your stake. But from a business perspective it's unfortunately your fault for not taking care of claiming it, regardless how busy you were.
This guy is a psychotic fuckwit who should not be responded to in any way.
If i remember rightly he applied (too late) for a promotional stake and didn't bother promoting, let alone pay any attention to the redemption process not that he qualified for it anyway.
I've driven over squashed cats with a more valid claim.