Isn't Bankera run by Spectrocoin exchange?
I thought they were a pretty legit company.
There's a few gripes about them, but show me a company that doesn't.
Legitimacy aside, it just looks ridiculously unachievable to me. They're going to need a huge amount of cooperation from traditional banking and I just don't see where that cooperation is going to come from. Without that cooperation it's a completely dead idea.
This is from their roadmap - "BANKING CAPABILITY early 2019. After the ICO, a banking license will be obtained. This will allow us to offer loans and deposit services."
They say nothing about the jurisdiction, who's going to grant it, what the chances of approval are and what groundwork they've already put in. If they want our money then let's see some evidence that it's actually going to produce some results.
And I don't think kicking off with an ICO is the way to warm the hearts of the old school financiers they're going to have to stroke to get anywhere. The crypto bit is a piece of piss. The crossover into banking is anything but and totally beyond their control no matter how much they raise.
Once upon a time Neo & Bee was going to revolutionise banking too. It didn't get very far.
That may be all bah humbug but if it was a sound enough idea they wouldn't be going down the ICO route. They'd get proper backing from proper investors. It just looks like more pie in the sky junk to me.