Some new inside scoops from solix78, who helps building NEMs presence in the US. This was just posted on telegram.
I wanted to post it here because it has some very important points and it's very well said.
Guys... I know everyone is belly aching over price... but I assure you there is a huge volume of institutional itnerest going on. We aren't currently equipped to respond to the fire hose of interst. We are working to change that as outlined in this organizational transition stuff you hear about, but this doesn't happen in 24 hours. Dealing with cryptos intersecting with business, especially in the US, is very difficult. Finding knowledgable resources at the law and accounting level that can help take on the legal stuff is difficult. We are having to crawl lots of professional resources to identify good partnership for the long haul.
NEM has always ran lean and mean, as you know.
Additionally, some of North American folks are doing a really stellar job working on things like org charts and self sustained funding... certified solution integration franchising and so forth. Most os uf working hard on this stuff come out of fortunte 50 IT and engineering for global companies and are applying t he same rigors.
I promise you folks like myself that are involved are going 100% professional or going home.
I'm either going to succeed or fail.
I want to see NEM compete with the same level of professionalism and sucess as any other technology vendor in big business (IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, etc.)
I think the problem is a lot of people here are looking at our public facet (reasonable), and that's not going to blow anyone away. We are back in the enterprise focusing on solution integration for large companies.
Evenetually we will come full circle back to the public sector the way people use Java on the desktop or whatever.
But if you want to focus on uptake you need use cases.
And use cases primarily come out of the commercial sector unless your only value proposition is "Store of value" in which case Bitcoin is crushing most people most of the time.
Bitcoin is BitGold, and that's cool, and I'm fine with that. But if you want to build the decentraelized Internet you need a whole lot more than value routing. We are focusing on that as a platform, but it requires relationships in the commerical sector.
Guys... these ICOs building "banking in a box"... that's not how it works. I have been talking to a lot of financial institutions and most of them will tell you they have business rules. It's ridiculous t o think Bank of America has the same business rules as Wells Fargo. Yes... if you want to be extreme you can say Bitcoin will be M2 money and replace banking all together, but there is a lot more to the financial sector than just storing value.
Insurance, loans, so forth... these ICOS pressing this have white papers, but not 100 years of experience dealing in the industry. If we find a middle ground where these companies can continue to operate with their LOBs and relationships but retool their infratstructure on blockchain to reduce churn, cost, and friction of their business as it relates to the end user, it's a win. And these people will want to build these systems themselves based on their business rules.
THis is the attack vector NEM is taking and I'm not sure anyone else is doing this. Even Ethereum's "enterprise offering" is losing toe to toe with NEM in some tests in the industry. NEM was looking at this in 2014... we have a few years head start there. A lot of the other platforms are treating throughput and scalability as an after thought.
If anyone is pressing F5 every day to see nem "price" and despairing, go trade ETC. If anyone here is holding nem because they think some time down the road this stuff will integrate with the comemrcial sector and the public chain will have value, yeah, put it in a "drawer" and close it and check back in 6 months. I don't know what else to tell you guys.
You guys have to remember, if you win the commercial sector, the public sector is easy.
It's like "Bank of America is building on NEM APIs, why aren't you?"
It will be like "hey everyone is using Java, why are you using some weird Fortran 77 strack fory our app"
And remember, when developers for blockchain start to become mainstream, these resources will float around. Some guy that wrote against NEM APIs in a big business will go to some small start up and do it for a public facing project.
But the traianing and intellectual property will be funded by big enterprise. This has long been true.
I understand there are grassroots languages and frameworks that become popular in the developer community (GoLang I guess), but there are languages that dominate big business. We want to position NEM to be an enterprise grade stack. This is why I'm very supportive of what @kstellana is doing with the framework. That will be akin to the Spring framework with Java, and we need to support his efforts in the community to get help dveloping tools like that that make development easier for guys like me that already know how to do restful stuff but don't want to learn all the internals of signing a transition. We want to do that once, and audit the code, and give it to the community and not have to have them wonder if they are doing that part right.