I'm amazed at how few devs and stakeholders have cashed out during the recent rallies.
Over two billion XEM are now tied up in super nodes. Throw in what's held by the developers and there aren't very many coins available to buyers. I dunno if the super nodes will turn into a ticking time bomb market wise or perhaps they'll become the move of the century for those who operate them. Either way there certainly won't be any new ones if it's nearly 300 BTC to create one.
i have 50 % of the family saving into crypto not all(my wife doesn't know it yet lol)
That's the type of move that'll have you eating out of dumpsters eventually. If my wife risked my financial future without telling me she'd be out on the street.
i have a full time job
before i get married i thought having a job is what a human need to have a happy family
wrong, kids are expensives i can't afford them
so what the purpose of life if you can't even afford a true family?
a second job they told me pffff
it's like i am not enough treated as slave
so yeah fuck it i will risk even more
if nem succeed, i hope so
i will name my first two
blockchain kids mijin and Nem...i swear i will
they are cute names.
if nem fails it's okay i am used to be the slave of the system .