Good to shake out the weak hands and those taking profits.... long term this coin will be the bitcoin killer, not ethereum which can do maybe 16 transactions per second, but this coin, which will be able to do 3000 transactions per second, with the scalability Mijin and Catapult bring to the table. Really that's what the real world is looking for first and foremost.. an application platform can be built on any old coin now since they opened sourced everything... it's one reason I don't think they should open source the entire NEM/Mijin code.... what's the incentive to invest in a coin when any firm can simply copy the coin with no legal repercussions? Your source code is your ability to license it out.. it's your intellectual property.
NEM has something no other coin really has now with Mijin, just like Xtrabytes has it's static node tech.. I don't think either of these coins should just open source this, personally. If you care about return on investment, it's not such a bad thing to have trade secrets...
I was quite disheartened yesterday...quite the opposite today. Good to see that the market has some resilience and that a massive pullback is seen as a buying opportunity, not a reason to abandon/avoid crypto.
Praying for some big things here of course...10-20x would suit me quite well
Dissident-you've mentioned Xtrabytes a few times now. Without going too far off topic, why do you think their tech is not just interesting, but worth investing in?
I like the static node technology. In theory it's unhackable if you read a little bit into it. Combined with a lowish market cap I'm willing to give it some investment money. It started out as a scam coin and a talented programmer decided in conjunction with another person to take over the coin before it died and hopefully recoup some of their losses from the scammer who left. They are in the process of creating a new blockchain to replace the original chain, which they dub the "static" chain. Once this is done they will retire the old chain completely, and from there development continues.
NEM is far more advanced and polished as a coin and I'm not convinced the static node tech is even needed compared to NEM's proof of importance and supernodes but it's an interesting tech nonetheless. I still think NEM could be the coin that takes over bitcoin's role and takes the king spot. In all the articles, particularly the latest article where they talk about Fidelity and Coinbase teaming up to show your coinbase account information on your Fidelity account, they talk about bitcoin's limitations when Fidelity employees were trying to use it, namely the slow transaction speed. NEM solves this problem, and no coin comes close to the scalabliity of NEM, so NEM is still my baby. Plus it has a good logo, simple yet effective name, and good team behind it.