..and 200k NEM in it
Well that is kind of a cool move.
-Cooperation with Trezor to integrate NEM
-Stakeholder receive one signed Trezor with the relevant amount of XEM
not bad idea
Its actually an excellent idea. Personally i would prefer the ledger blue as it supports other coins too and is probably an easier port for NEM. Im sure either trezor or ledger would be happy to take on the logistics of it all and would only send wallets to those who claim one on their site.
So a trez or ledger with 200k NEM preloaded and anything left over (my guess is lots as im sure a lot of original stake holders have lost access to their account) goes to the community funds.
It would also be an excellent marketing venture and finally solve the silvercoins for stakeholders issue
I totally agree. The Ledger is great. either one would be nice.
There so many nice ways with the Ledger. Like branding it with a NEM Logo, engraving it with "stakeholder edition" or something like that. Or just have it signed by the developer what would be very cool.
I think the rest of the funds should be used for some kind of bounties, to develop/ integrate something on the blockchain etc