On June 30th, 2015, I sold my 5,000,000 XEM for well under 100 Satoshi each. I gained 3 BTC.
I wish I had not done this. I wish NEM all the best.
http://imgur.com/a/CHdTXyes u where similar to the dude who sold his cheap cpu mined BTC at 10$ a piece
and people who sell now are similar to the guys who did sell BTC at 100$
hold guys hold
if u have millions of XEM u basical hold the key of a fantastic future for ur familiy ur kids and the kids of them in hands
dont throw it away for a few easy $
The thing is that it is not a few easy $ anymore at this point. In some countries a NEM stake is probably worth more than they will earn in their entire life by now. That is life changing for them already.
Even in USA or Europe, 100,000 USD is a lot, especially if you consider the avarage age of crypto users is mid twenties to thirties..
100k $ is not life changing
10 million $ are
what is worth 100k $ now might be 10 million $ in a not to far away future
i strong suggest go for the big thing and not the quick bucks
dont sell pre 2020 and u wont regret it
if things run well by 2020 u can by just sell harvesting income earn nice extra money without touch ur base share of XEM
useage of NEM chain could very easy explode until 2020 and harvesting become a major income source
yes whales who missed it and big corporate might beg u to sell
but if again all the wealth move to the same people what changed?
keep holding ur cryptos and change ur position in society
this hint is not only true for XEM its for ur whole serious crypto portfolio
no one can time the top or the bottom.
With NEM I'd always hold a core position that you don't touch say 80% or so.
Put it on a paper wallet and keep it secure for another 3+ years.
The other 20% you can trade, take profits if you get the itch.