NEM really go up 20x in 2016. Is that true?
Name: value in btc: value in $: value in btc: value in $: difference in $: difference in %:
01 Jan 2016 01 Jan 2016 01 Jan 2017 01 Jan 2017 in year 2016 in year 2016
Monero 0,00105001 $0,45608234 0,01431600 $13,7568170 $13,3007347 2916,30%
PotCoin 0,00000120 $0,00052123 0,00001539 $0,0147889 $0,0142676 2737,29%
NAV Coin 0,00000362 $0,00157238 0,00004065 $0,0390622 $0,0374898 2384,27%
NEM 0,00000035 $0,00015203 0,00000383 $0,0036804 $0,0035284 2320,90%
SysCoin 0,00000111 $0,00048214 0,00000942 $0,0090521 $0,0085699 1777,48%
I/O Coin 0,00005886 $0,02556643 0,00037981 $0,3649746 $0,3394082 1327,55%
Siacoin 0,00000004 $0,00001737 0,00000025 $0,0002402 $0,0002229 1282,70%
GameCredits 0,00003426 $0,01488117 0,00021203 $0,2037481 $0,1888669 1269,17%
ShadowCash 0,00023257 $0,10101911 0,00123943 $1,1910179 $1,0899988 1079,00%
Viacoin 0,00000844 $0,00366600 0,00003586 $0,0344593 $0,0307933 839,97%
Ethereum 0,00216526 $0,94050233 0,00829501 $7,9710069 $7,0305046 747,53%
Storjcoin X 0,00003652 $0,01586283 0,00013797 $0,1325809 $0,1167181 735,80%
Qora 0,00000002 $0,00000869 0,00000007 $0,0000673 $0,0000586 674,31%
Burst 0,00000017 $0,00007384 0,00000055 $0,0005285 $0,0004547 615,75%
MaidSafeCoin 0,00003380 $0,01468137 0,00010309 $0,0990633 $0,0843819 574,76%
Boolberry 0,00003093 $0,01343475 0,00008918 $0,0856966 $0,0722619 537,87%
Factom 0,00111824 $0,48571873 0,00309356 $2,9727255 $2,4870068 512,03%
CureCoin 0,00001657 $0,00719735 0,00004031 $0,0387355 $0,0315381 438,19%
Expanse 0,00008958 $0,03890997 0,00019505 $0,1874313 $0,1485214 381,71%
Bitcrystals 0,00006449 $0,02801188 0,00013117 $0,1260465 $0,0980346 349,98%
Dash 0,00763937 $3,31823675 0,01180000 $11,3390920 $8,0208552 241,72%
Counterparty 0,00140924 $0,61211749 0,00177678 $1,7073790 $1,0952615 178,93%
BitcoinDark 0,00284501 $1,23575854 0,00351901 $3,3815575 $2,1457989 173,64%
SuperNET 0,00180029 $0,78197396 0,00210382 $2,0216448 $1,2396708 158,53%
Bitcoin 1,00000000 $434,36000000 1,00000000 $960,9400000 $526,5800000 121,23%
DigiByte 0,00000032 $0,00013900 0,00000027 $0,0002595 $0,0001205 86,66%
Bytecoin 0,00000006 $0,00002606 0,00000005 $0,0000480 $0,0000220 84,36%
Dogecoin 0,00000031 $0,00013465 0,00000023 $0,0002210 $0,0000864 64,14%
Stellar 0,00000404 $0,00175481 0,00000258 $0,0024792 $0,0007244 41,28%
Omni 0,00529999 $2,30210366 0,00292969 $2,8152563 $0,5131527 22,29%
Rubycoin 0,00038650 $0,16788014 0,00021110 $0,2028544 $0,0349743 20,83%
DigitalNote 0,00000015 $0,00006515 0,00000008 $0,0000769 $0,0000117 17,99%
Litecoin 0,00853511 $3,70731038 0,00451716 $4,3407197 $0,6334094 17,09%
BitShares 0,00000797 $0,00346185 0,00000414 $0,0039783 $0,0005164 14,92%
Ripple 0,00001378 $0,00598548 0,00000682 $0,0065536 $0,0005681 9,49%
BlackCoin 0,00006024 $0,02616585 0,00002830 $0,0271946 $0,0010288 3,93%
NuBits 0,00232431 $1,00958729 0,00104352 $1,0027601 -$0,0068272 -0,68%
Vcash 0,00008986 $0,03903159 0,00003901 $0,0374863 -$0,0015453 -3,96%
Nxt 0,00001462 $0,00635034 0,00000612 $0,0058810 -$0,0004694 -7,39%
VeriCoin 0,00006363 $0,02763833 0,00002440 $0,0234469 -$0,0041914 -15,17%
Primecoin 0,00014140 $0,06141850 0,00005120 $0,0492001 -$0,0122184 -19,89%
GridCoin 0,00002419 $0,01050930 0,00000718 $0,0068995 -$0,0036097 -34,35%
Clams 0,00330067 $1,43367902 0,00089482 $0,8598683 -$0,5738107 -40,02%
Peercoin 0,00097000 $0,42132920 0,00024792 $0,2382362 -$0,1830930 -43,46%
Namecoin 0,00095000 $0,41264200 0,00024222 $0,2327589 -$0,1798831 -43,59%
NautilusCoin 0,00025325 $0,11000167 0,00005200 $0,0499689 -$0,0600328 -54,57%
Yup, it was covered in a thread about 2016 ROI.
I think it was a very interesting thread with good information but nobody seemed interested in keeping it bumped. I think that thread should had been stickied as an announcement, IMHO.