Please can I ask someone of the member to re-post this link NEM redemption starts now-page 1 where I was given the right private key with my address and now its given me a new address with the same private address in the wallet with 0 NEM, when I did the checked in the past in that link it said it was correct when I did the verification test.
I will write a post on Sunday in bitcointalk, my patient has a limit and after emailing makoto for 4 months with very poor messages to me and contradicting information. I will expose all I know. Accusing people of Socks for having 3 stakes just to takes those stakes for themselves to accumulate more and more. to my eyes this is a scam in big magnitude and I will prove it on Sunday. You can delete this post and I will paste it on Sunday. Two years following this coin, protecting it and talking good about it to end up with 0 NEM and the team having more than 30 stakes and more. They will not be able to delete any post on Sunday as I will run it and everybody will be able to explain their cases since the start of NEM. Enough is enough....... NEM's core principles of fairness and equality ? No!
You have way to many posts to have been flagged as sockpuppet. Any chance you're talking about another account ?
Yes Blas, see my post to makoto that I have been chasing for month and month and I was given always poor contradicting answers and always waiting for ages for each answer!
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« Sent to: makoto1337 on: June 13, 2015, 12:31:48 PM »
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Hello Makoto,
I hope you are well and I guess by now you know me very well from my emails from NEM forum.
Please see below the reminder of my NEM History Genuine decent claim:
I am Blas in btt, my brother is rtzdlr in btt and my brother wife is pimanver
I had two accounts Blas and CECVW with NEM, the one with CECVW I sold it as I lost my job at that time and needed money till I found a new job. Now I have a new job.
Below are mine and family NEM
You know back in January last year when NEM was announced to get stake for free I phoned my brother in Spain to get one and he did one for him (rtzdlr) and one for his wife (pimanver) when it was free to get on the first few pages. I swear this is the true. You can check the ip address of pimanver and rtzdlr was created by my brother in Spain. Now later on my brother asked to carry on witth the process for him and gave me his account details as he does not speak English and I did all the process for him till the end, I die now if I am lying.
With all my best wishes
Now all these private keys were created in that link that does not exist anymore and the verification test said it was correct!
Below are the last messages I received from Makoto:
« Sent to: Blas on: June 25, 2015, 07:30:35 AM »
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Okay, we will give back those two stakes Smiley
« Sent to: Blas on: June 29, 2015, 08:10:12 AM »
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Blas already has a stake, so the two stakes you didn't get. Send me a PM from each account with a NEM address and I will send them out. Deadline is tomorrow Smiley
« Sent to: Blas on: July 16, 2015, 05:57:47 AM »
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Both of those stakes were sent out on 6/25.
NOW THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS ON JUNE 29 SAID TO SEND HIM A PM WITH MY NEM ADDRESS TO HE CAN SEND ME THE NEM AND ON 16 JULY HE SAID HE SENT IT 25 JUNE! ha...29 june I did not have it and then I had them 25 june. You have been messing up with me and I will not tolerate this and more I will expose on Sunday, you can not play with people like this that all has done is talk good till now about you till all this sh*t happened to me
Sounds like he didn't read your first PM very carefully and then when you sent him PMs from the actual accounts in question he checked the list and noticed that those had already been sent out. That's not really contradicting.
But now to the good part. Those stakes were sent out. The addresses mentioned all contain exactly one stake if you look at the blockchain.
The only thing that is OUTRAGEOUS is your behaviour. Maybe first make sure you're looking at the correct accounts before spreading completely false accusations ?