I was nervous about posting the message you replied to. Thought Id be branded a FUDster.
However your answers are excellent and so Im glad I did.
That was no way near FUD
We've been through some chit storms a while ago so most of the community can differentiate quite well between valid questions and FUD attempts ( even the cunning ones
Your questions were legit and we should encourage everyone to share these opinions here! One should never be blind to what's happening in the rest of the world, especially in cryptosphere where we seem to be racing each other even though we don't know where we are heading to
Actually NEM has never been trying to beat ETH. The devs have created something that is user friendly (the API's are great) and still leaves much flexibility. Few people realise just how much the NEM devs are thinking ahead! The devs are not just great at coding, they have shown to be very skilled at taking the right conceptual decisions, and that's what makes me enthusiastic about NEM in the first place.
As patmast3r said; depending on what you need you may prefer ETH over NEM, but NEM is already capable of doing great things in an effective way. So once companies start to look into NEM most of them should realise they might not need all the ETH bling and can be done with the job much faster if they just use NEM (although some of them may need ETH after all).
The true nemsters in here believe that it is better to have a limited set of well considered features that are user friendly yet flexible to work with than to have countless features that nobody will ever use.
On the other side NEM has never had the funding ETH had to start with. As a result NEM's development has been criticised to be slow and exposure to be minimal outside this forum. Makoto did a great job for that in Japan and that's the reason so much promising news is coming from Japan ( although most of us are only seeing the tip of the iceberg).
If NEM would have a Makoto in Europe and the US things would probably start to look quite different. This is the main reason I am excited about the recent spike in the price, because it will hopefully take care of some of the lack of exposure that NEM is suffering from and it creates some opportunities towards the future funding of the development and marketing of NEM.
So NEM may not be the elephant in the cryptoshpere and alot is happening behind the scenes, but overall I truly believe NEM has a great future ahead. Those patient enough to stick along will hopefully be able to look back to these exciting times where all of it started to get some traction :-)