It's a simple script. The following are written to give an idea only. I do not feel like doing something like that. Nobody should do anything like that. Defrauding people is something very wrong. You do not have the right to steal anyone's money. It's written just to be a brainstorming. Also, this scenario is also written to get our own security.
We hunt our victims over social media sites. We use female profiles for this. For 3-4 months, we play a game-enthusiastic young girl on facebook. This young girl will be a person interested in bitcoin at the same time. On Steam, you can already buy games with bitcoin. So this young girl will be contacted by players who have knowledge about bitcoin.
This young girl will be our friend, so it's a real profile. The commission will be given to each of the gross proceeds made. Technical infrastructure will be provided by IT specialists friends (network and software). The important thing is that we can have faith and trust. For this, the young girl will sell BTC for 3-4 months. This will not be cheat for 3-4 months. The money issuer will really be sold to BTC.
Victims will be selected from different countries. So different facebook accounts will be created for different countries. The victim will only face to face meeting girls who are our friends. But the meeting will be on the ground we set up. This place will be a place for computer enthusiasts. The whole network infrastructure here will be our control.
The real cheat will begin once you have had enough confidence. People will be defrauded here because they are willing to shop in the place we set up. "The attacker can isolate you from the Bitcoin network and use Bitcoin on their fork. With this, they can trick you into thinking that you have received payments." The infrastructure described here will be prepared. And BTC will be sold in large quantities. People will think that they are receiving BTC payments on the fork bitcoin network. The country will be abandoned after the crash is over.
How much budget is needed for such an attack?
Only in this scenario will the victim think the process has been verified. All transactions will go through our network. Bitcoin will think he gets paid when he looks at his wallet.
Also the system will work through our DNS addresses. So when he wants to enter the popular sites used for Bitcoin, he will be connected to fork sites. If a site like wants to check the operation, it will appear as if the transaction has been approved because it has logged into our fork site.
The only problem here is that the victim wants to use his own mobile internet. Devices that weaken the mobile signal power can be used. So he will have to use our network.
There are many things wrong with this, not to mention the cost of this is insanely high.
First of all, somehow you have to ensure that the victim is connected to the internet only through you. Then you have to hope that they did not change the DNS settings on their devices so that they are using your DNS servers.
Now you need to make transactions, presumably of very large amounts (otherwise this will result in a loss). Because of the large quantities of money being exchanged, those transactions must be confirmed. So, you would have to have enough money to get a large amount of mining equipment so that blocks are produced in a timely manner and are of the correct difficulty. You should assume that a few people will be using laptops and full nodes, these cannot be tricked like SPV nodes, the Proof Of Work must be valid, and that requires a significant amount of mining equipment at the current difficulty.
Now suppose you manage to trick people into this scam and steal their money. They go home, log into their computers, and check their wallets for their new Bitcoin. However, now that they have connected to the real network, they see that they were scammed. Here's the kicker, you had to buy or lease a building, pay for utilities, hire employees, buy equipment, etc. This all leaves a huge paper trail, and quite a bit of that is public record. Now those you scammed are going to go after you with multiple lawsuits and probably also press criminal charges, so you will end up both in jail and lose everything that you have.
Besides the fact that going after you for scamming would be relatively easy, you also have to consider the huge cost of doing this. First you need to lease or buy a building. That can be extremely expensive, and its not like if you can pack up and leave without a trace; there's still a paper trail not in your control. Next you need to get a significant number of mining machines in order to make a valid proof of work, that is going to take several millions of dollars given that the difficulty and thus required hashrate is extremely high.
tl;dr while possible in theory, such a scheme is entirely impossible and impractical in practice.