I can say from observation in my country, and Europe countries I have visited. I would say that underaged gambling problem is pumped. It is not as huge as we think it is. We are worried that kids will copy adults and become addicted to gambling, but I never say gambling addicted kid in my life. Moreover, from years of gambling experience, I saw less than 5 really addicted gamblers (however, I did not search for addicted gamblers on purpose).
As our kids are used to quick information, such as instagram, tik tok, facebook feed and etc, even if they start gambling, they wont focus on it, but instead switch to something else, then in few minutes to something else and so on.
This happened in my area, which also observed that minors have played gambling, in fact, it has increased and has even entered the local media, meaning that children have imitated adults in doing this, including those who have dared to smoke and gamble without the knowledge of their parents.
I have never reprimanded because it is not my right, but it can be seen that there is already an addiction to gambling games, especially now that access is easier, they can get information about gambling sites more easily because they are spread on social media, including Facebook, which has many advertisements.