Actually hilarious this is your comeback post. Slow up on the frantic multiposting.. there is an edit button.
The heard-mind mentality is quite astonishing; no reasonable person willing to stand up and say Frank has always done the right thing and been thwarted. None. Multiple pieces of original artwork. Multiple free raffles. Does it matter? Clearly not.
Band-wagon mentality. Truly sad as collective whole for this community.
I condemn any artwork that is 'plagiarized' or copied.
I've repeated this NUMEROUS times - we originally hired our own artists. Then we partnered with artists. Some artists we partnered with were not vetted properly. Those products were pulled. Same as this one. MJ knows this. Vizique knows this. Yet they say nothing.
Sometimes the bandwagon-approach is more easy to choose and stepping outside of forum 'etiquette' takes courage. Yet no one displays it here. Truly sad, especially for a community that is based on trust, compassion, uniting, removing division from central banks, etc. Seriously. Where is your head?
Side note: You'll notice I haven't posted any artwork for sale on here in a year. It's because, like I said, I am no longer the owner of the company. I am a private citizen going about my business, trying to help a newcomer to this scene. Normally, newcomers would be welcomed. Issues can be brought up, addressed, fixed, and restored. Again, I am against any artwork that is copied, modified, restored, etc. Everything should be original, as I originally intended when I started the company in 2012
Open your eyes.
Additional note:
Tom has still not been able to post as he said he's still awaiting an approval from admin.
So if admins want to step in and approve his account, I can step outside of this and Tom will handle everything from here. But no word yet.