how to sold the cigar exactly?
You have 50% chance (it was 40% before) to sell cigar in every whisky related business event (when you selling whisky). It means, you can sell maximum 1 cigar every 10 minutes. You getting 110 satoshis (10 Satoshi profit), up to 50 science points , and 0,1 or 2 lucky coins, they will be used in later updates,but they are rare.
Can You check this part of code? I'm almost sure, that algorithm check ONE TIME ONLY this 50% chance. Independed of quantity whisky sold. I check this all day and I have 50% sells by 1 sold whisky, and by 6 bottles sold. NEVER sold more cigars than 1 at one refresh. Even if in this time 5-6 bottles of whiski was sold.
you can sell max 1 cigar / 10 minutes, that's correct , there is no problem with that code.. however you selling 50 whisky and you have 50 cigars, in ONE business event with sold whisky, you can have max one cigar selling