1. can you tell me what is the difference running 10 threads or 100? The hash-rate is not significantly different using 10 or 100 (in the sum of all threads of each).
2. I use the config.json file as follows.
"_comment1" : "(-a XXX) Specify sha256 implementation:",
"_comment1a" : " c Linux kernel sha256, implemented in C (default)",
"_comment1b" : " 4way tcatm's 4-way SSE2 implementation",
"_comment1c" : " via VIA padlock implementation",
"_comment1d" : " cryptopp Crypto++ C/C++ implementation",
"algo" : "4way",
"_comment2" : "(-q) Disable per-thread hashmeter output (default: off)",
"quiet" : false,
"_comment3" : "(-D) Enable debug output (default: off)",
"debug" : true,
"_comment4" : "Disable X-Long-Polling support (default: enabled)",
"no-longpoll" : false,
"_comment5" : "(-P) Verbose dump of protocol-level activities (default: off)",
"protocol-dump" : false,
"_comment8" : "(-s N) Upper bound on time spent scanning current work, in seconds. (default: 5)",
"scantime" : "5",
"_comment6" : "(-r N) Number of times to retry, if JSON-RPC call fails (default: 10; use -1 for 'never')",
"retries" : "30",
"_comment7" : "(-R N) Number of seconds to pause, between retries (default: 30)",
"retry-pause" : "10",
"_comment9" : "Use system log for output messages (default: standard error)",
"_comment9a" : "'syslog' : '?????'",
"_comment10" : "(-t N) Number of miner threads (default: 1)",
"threads" : "10",
"_comment11" : "URL for bitcoin JSON-RPC server (default:",
"url" : "http://btcguild.com:8332",
"_comment12" : "(-u USERNAME) Username for bitcoin JSON-RPC server (default: rpcuser)",
"user" : "abcxyz",
"_comment13" : "(-p PASSWORD) Password for bitcoin JSON-RPC server (default: rpcpass)",
"pass" : "123456"
2.1. What can I write into to the value of 'syslog' (see "_comment9a" at the moment) if I want to send it to "standard output"?
2.1. Is the value 'false' correct? It runs, but I get the following output (using 'off' doesn't work):
[2011-06-03 11:11:53] JSON option no-longpoll invalid
[2011-06-03 11:11:53] JSON option protocol-dump invalid
[2011-06-03 11:11:53] JSON option quiet invalid
3. Can you please tell me the exact function of 'scantime'? It looks that it only makes a difference when setting 'no-longpoll' to true!?!
Thanks and regards