From here:
Both articles 31b and 58 are about " crypto-asset service providers", the EU doesn't regulate and doesn't care about anything that is not a contract between two persons in the EU, if it's personal finances, each country on its own.
Also this:
Far more detailed analysis that I could ever do and obviously moar than what screaming guys on twitter have to say!
Especially this line:
It was just an example for the stupidity of the bravado, I sent a tx the CIA didn't stop me, such hero, but I made it a bit to simple!
Stores will be limited at above value x (again each country can amend these values), to some restricted way of payments, so when you purchase over the sum the customer won't be able to pay unless he uses pre-approved methods, card, wire, but if some crypto provider regulated in the said country manages to do that it will be again accepted, taking into account it's a payment provide who goes through all KYC/AML regulations just like a bank!
And no as long as a store accepts crypto it comes to its own "due diligence" .