Makes you wonder if the cost and weight of a more durable screen on a device like this matters as much as on a phone.
I was actually talking about smartphones, I don't like what they are turning into
I could understand bigger screen if hardware wallet was designed like Keystone or like upcoming 1inch wallet that have gorilla glass protection.
Using very very large size hardware wallets I can't really understand, especially if they are thick like a brick.
If you have a lot of funds stored on the wallet secured by it, IMO your hardware wallet should be locked in your desk / safe / wherever and pulled out when you need to move them. And you have the seed backed up securely someplace else anyway.
Most of the people probably keep hardware wallets at home, but in some cases you need to travel and cross border with them.
My thinking is that credit card style hardware wallets is ideal for this situations, not big brick you carry in your big pocket.
What a lot more wallets need, and other then the keystone I don't know of any, is a 'self destruct' when taken apart so you can't attack them by taking them apart and getting to the SE. BUT the other side of that is you can't take them apart to fix them either.
Maybe, but than you would have to trust manufacturer they are telling the truth about self-destruction.
Mnay times it's just a security theater like in case with Safepal, and I remember people managed to easily bypass Cobo (now Keystone) self-destruction mechnism.