
Topic: New profit-switching mining pool with nightly bonus payout-- - page 10. (Read 23445 times)

sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250

Finally, to answer iru786's question, yes we pay old balances after there has been no activity for a while.  However, we also are happy to make payments upon request.  Ideally we would like to have a 'pay me now' button on the website, but with the chance for abuse, especially given the recent spike in unfriendly traffic, we've yet been able to come up with a comfortable way to achieve this.  I'm certainly open to suggestions on this topic, btw.

You could require a signed message to confirm the ownership of the address. Wouldn't work with exchanges or other shared wallets, but anyone who's using that for pool earnings is asking for trouble anyway.

You could also restrict manual withdrawals to once every 24-48 hours, this would not prevent abuse but would at least limit damage.

That is a good idea. I like it.

My Hash rates showing about 30% to 40% low on Pool User Stats page but then I log in and check my miners they look fine?

The hashrate goes off the shares you submitted the last 10 minutes I think...but the graphs have always been a wee bit off. Check the hashrate in the big graph and see if its normal.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909

Finally, to answer iru786's question, yes we pay old balances after there has been no activity for a while.  However, we also are happy to make payments upon request.  Ideally we would like to have a 'pay me now' button on the website, but with the chance for abuse, especially given the recent spike in unfriendly traffic, we've yet been able to come up with a comfortable way to achieve this.  I'm certainly open to suggestions on this topic, btw.

You could require a signed message to confirm the ownership of the address. Wouldn't work with exchanges or other shared wallets, but anyone who's using that for pool earnings is asking for trouble anyway.

You could also restrict manual withdrawals to once every 24-48 hours, this would not prevent abuse but would at least limit damage.
full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
My Hash rates showing about 30% to 40% low on Pool User Stats page but then I log in and check my miners they look fine?

sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Please read the posts above you. Everything you say is already been said.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
Yes, but it is only small downtime, most has been malicious. If you read it has been explained. Also, profits are still the same as other pools. Wafflepool was down for like a whole day? lol..

What's it to you?

Well I decided to start pointing some hash here and I want to ask some experienced people, is that a problem?

waffle has actually been up more than 24 hrs now but profits are lower than other pools I moved from there now... Clevermining has actually been good last few days, I decided to give this ago for 24 hours or more...

in the last few days what has been the average mh/btc , I really like the interface here...

One things I noticed is the front page says we are mining ****** Coin and when I look into my user stats it says I am mining Another coin.. and Mh/BTC is more in my user stats.

Wow, within the first 2 hours of pointing my hash here already a disconnect... I see why this is hard to be placed on the comparisons list. It is a shame as I was actually starting to like this
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
Yes, but it is only small downtime, most has been malicious. If you read it has been explained. Also, profits are still the same as other pools. Wafflepool was down for like a whole day? lol..

What's it to you?

Well I decided to start pointing some hash here and I want to ask some experienced people, is that a problem?

waffle has actually been up more than 24 hrs now but profits are lower than other pools I moved from there now... Clevermining has actually been good last few days, I decided to give this ago for 24 hours or more...

in the last few days what has been the average mh/btc , I really like the interface here...

One things I noticed is the front page says we are mining ****** Coin and when I look into my user stats it says I am mining Another coin.. and Mh/BTC is more in my user stats.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Yes, but it is only small downtime, most has been malicious. If you read it has been explained. Also, profits are still the same as other pools. Wafflepool was down for like a whole day? lol..

What's it to you?
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
seems to be up now? i was gone

Yes..  Looks like it was down just a few min..  But the issue is when this happens it goes to my fail overs..  If I would not of looked, I would have been mining somewhere else and not even known..  I need to look into my CGWatcher as I have heard you can set emails to your self when events happen to alert you..

I have heard there has been some downtime here, a multipool comparisons page did not want to compare it as it was not stable , Well He did try it for a short time but was not stable so dropped the tests. WHat's the go here now? I wouldn't mind giving it a go but If I look up at some recent posts , I can still see people talking about down time.
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
seems to be up now? i was gone

Yes..  Looks like it was down just a few min..  But the issue is when this happens it goes to my fail overs..  If I would not of looked, I would have been mining somewhere else and not even known..  I need to look into my CGWatcher as I have heard you can set emails to your self when events happen to alert you..
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
seems to be up now? i was gone
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
Whats going on?Huh  Your Pool and front end are down?Huh

Activity: 14
Merit: 4
JHammer- thanks and we're glad to have you.  I definitely will try to be a bit more talkative around here, but I also tend to hang out a bit more often in IRC, if you're looking to get me quickly.  As for LTC, its in our lineup, so we would mine it given the right circumstances (pool hashpower is a limiting factor currently). 

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
Vt thank you for that Info..  Its amazing what a little communication can do..  Lack of it, is one reason I left MiddleCoin..     Hint Hint..  (keep the Info coming please.. Even if its just once or twice a week.  Always good to hear whats going on)

I plan to stay here for a while and see how things go..     Although with the price of LTC going up a bit and the LTC Diff coming down a Bit, that is becoming tempting..  Is LTC one of our mined coins on here?   I would hope so..   At work and can’t go look right now..

Activity: 14
Merit: 4
So, I'll chime in on a few of the recent posts/questions...

We seem to always be mining coin X.  The way this is shown on the website is a bit misleading currently, and is scheduled for an update.  This is because we mine multiple coins at the same time, but the "currently mining" box can only show one.  So, while we've actually been mining coin X, its not the only one.  (And you'd think we have an agenda seeing as the website always displays either DOPE or POT coins.)  So, for the time being, you can check out the coins page to see all the coins being mined at any given time (highlighted in green).  Our API will also be exposing a getpoolstats method which will show the specific coins being mined, as well as the percentage hashrate being directed to them.

Yes, our payout rate yesterday appeared to be about .004, which certainly isn't ideal, but it was about the same as the other major switching pools.  Almost exactly the same as clever, waffle, etc, actually.  So I'm not sure why there are statements like 'other pools are doing better than us'.  Further to this, we (unfortunately) had a bit of a clerical slipup yesterday which caused us to mine SPA coin when we intended to remove it (due to its hard fork switching to scrypt-n).  Had this error not occurred, I suspect we would have done a far sight better.
As I've said before, we're working on providing a running list of daily profitability for ease of comparison.  This is a high priority for me, as it will help clarify some concerns and conversations out there.  Its taken longer than hoped due to recent events, so to help give a bit of data to work with, I did post the past few days performance on our site.

Finally, to answer iru786's question, yes we pay old balances after there has been no activity for a while.  However, we also are happy to make payments upon request.  Ideally we would like to have a 'pay me now' button on the website, but with the chance for abuse, especially given the recent spike in unfriendly traffic, we've yet been able to come up with a comfortable way to achieve this.  I'm certainly open to suggestions on this topic, btw.

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
What happens to your balance on the pool if you don't mine there anymore? Does it get paid out after few days?

It should get to you but depends on the pool.  Ask the Pool operator.. 
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
Those two amounts are fairly close.

LTC is fairly close too.

Cmon pool operators - give us a reason to throw you some hashrate.

Very good!!! Grin
full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
What happens to your balance on the pool if you don't mine there anymore? Does it get paid out after few days?
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
I want to make a correction to my above post.. I was half asleep and rusing out the Door when I did this.  My payout last night/this morning was actually about 0.004 per MH's  

Sorry about that.. Above Post corrected

But Still..  0.004 not very good..
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
Mining DOPE, in case that EMC2 or FLT have better proffi.... so strange...

80% of the times I look, we are mining the Pot Coin.. I know nothing about this coin so cant really comment but I do find it odd we seem to mine it so much..

One of the reasons I wanted to try this pool was there was several posts stating this pool was Avg'ing 0.008..   But so far, I see no proof of that..    I was hoping that at least it would Avg what most of the other ones are.. Around 0.005..   But I have not seen that yet..  But I have only been here 2 days so will give it a couple more days..  

Maybe OP will comment..  

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