
Topic: New profit-switching mining pool with nightly bonus payout-- - page 13. (Read 23445 times)

sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
New CoinSolver update incoming !!!
full member
Activity: 384
Merit: 100
Thanks for the info - makes a lot of sense now - I just couldn't figure out why those numbers didn't add up!

Thanks to VT as well for all the hard work - i'm a dev myself so know what it's like.

Thanks again...
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Hey bigtop, I'll try to help answer some questions as VT is a busy guy with the new system coming.

First - the figures on the stats page do not add up - they just don't make sense!
My hashrate sometimes shows as nothing (0.0KH/s)
Yesterday I thought I was getting 0.02xxx btc, it even stangely showed as 2 payment transactions of slightly different amounts - 0.01xxx each.  One had no block code with it - this transaction then disappeared.
The 2nd payout was a bug in the system. I talked with VT last night in IRC and he fixed it.

Surely Combined Balance should be the total of Immature + Unexchanged? - but it's not - it's more! (which of course I dont mind, i'm just trying to make sense of these figures).  What is my btc balance exactly?  I would assume, from the way it;s presented, that I would be getting my btc balance (coins already mined and exchanged?) + the estimates above?  Is there a way to make these figure more meaningful?  I have got my thinking cap on and will let you know if I come up with anything!

The combined balance is your BTC Balance plus your Unexchanged balance. The reason I was getting from VT on why the graphs do not match up really is b/c he does a lot of manual trades and a lot of manual entry's. That is why around payout time, all the unexchanged is cashed in, and payouts proceed. He then has to enter that info into the system b/c most of the exchanged he uses do not have the proper trade API.

Should I worry that sometimes my hashrate is showing as zero, even though my min hashrate is 200KH/s?

For the Current hashrate, I am not sure what going on with that but it is not just you, but if you look at the graph, your hash rate is correct. So I wouldn't worry as it looks only visual.

Hopefully that answers your questions. Like I said in the post above though, CoinSolver is only getting better. As you see on the home page, upgrades are incoming. Good to see you sticking with it.
full member
Activity: 384
Merit: 100
Things I've noticed.....

First - the figures on the stats page do not add up - they just don't make sense!
My hashrate sometimes shows as nothing (0.0KH/s)
Yesterday I thought I was getting 0.02xxx btc, it even stangely showed as 2 payment transactions of slightly different amounts - 0.01xxx each.  One had no block code with it - this transaction then disappeared.

Surely Combined Balance should be the total of Immature + Unexchanged? - but it's not - it's more! (which of course I dont mind, i'm just trying to make sense of these figures).  What is my btc balance exactly?  I would assume, from the way it;s presented, that I would be getting my btc balance (coins already mined and exchanged?) + the estimates above?  Is there a way to make these figure more meaningful?  I have got my thinking cap on and will let you know if I come up with anything!

Should I worry that sometimes my hashrate is showing as zero, even though my min hashrate is 200KH/s?

What's with the weird payout?

I'm still sticking with this project - it's interesting and if you get it right, it will be a winner!  My returns are ok and easier (and at this point I think better) to get than me, as a small miner, having to select coins, mine, and exchange myself.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
I like this site...great idea!

First time I tried.....i mined about a day but got no payout, not even after 3 days - payout came when I started mining again.....going to give it a few days but still not sure i'm making the most of my poor 1MH...

The nightly prize draw - I'd like to see how much the prize was as well as who got it.  If it's a good sum, maybe you should award it to 2 or 3 people per night, either equally or have a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.  It's a good incentive to mine, but with only one person getting any extra every day it's hard to get.

graph is confusing and so are figures:  it's not clear what 'combined' is (well, not to me anyway) because of the way its formatted.  BTC Balance - the way it's presented makes it look like you will be paid BTC balance + combined??

Will keep mining for a few days as I like the site and idea - thanks guys!

Watch for many improvements coming up Smiley

Now, I did a short two day comparison with CoinSolver and CleverMining.

It appears during these two days that CoinSolver did beat out Clever.

Two payouts from Clever: 0.01036633 BTC and 0.01075317 BTC for my 2Mh/s

One payout from CoinSolver for two day(Exchange issue): 0.022693226 BTC or 0.011346613 BTC for 2 days.

After that, I only had one payout from CS be near CM, which was 0.0104 and that being my lowest payout from CS.

Not a lot of time or data, but preliminary results. CoinSolver is only getting better.
full member
Activity: 384
Merit: 100
I like this site...great idea!

First time I tried.....i mined about a day but got no payout, not even after 3 days - payout came when I started mining again.....going to give it a few days but still not sure i'm making the most of my poor 1MH...

The nightly prize draw - I'd like to see how much the prize was as well as who got it.  If it's a good sum, maybe you should award it to 2 or 3 people per night, either equally or have a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.  It's a good incentive to mine, but with only one person getting any extra every day it's hard to get.

graph is confusing and so are figures:  it's not clear what 'combined' is (well, not to me anyway) because of the way its formatted.  BTC Balance - the way it's presented makes it look like you will be paid BTC balance + combined??

Will keep mining for a few days as I like the site and idea - thanks guys!
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Those two amounts are fairly close.

LTC is fairly close too.

Cmon pool operators - give us a reason to throw you some hashrate Smiley

nightly bonus Wink

Ryan, VT has some pretty good features coming out soon. So keep checking in.
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
Those two amounts are fairly close.

LTC is fairly close too.

Cmon pool operators - give us a reason to throw you some hashrate Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
I have 8 weeks of LTC data Smiley  I'll report every day all week on actual payouts - so we can see if your call of "bs" is accurate or not.

Well until you have 8 weeks of Clever/CoinSolver/Waffle. I could care less.

I invite your data to show otherwise.

Oh vay. You don't go away. Once I get my rig back up I will give you a weeks worth of data.

All this time you've been arguing against the data I collected, and you don't even have any?

Get that rig up and running - sharing results is best for everyone.

I wasn't arguing against the data you collected. I was arguing on the way you are presenting it. My RMA comes in on Monday.

Did your RMA come in? 

I've had a bad couple of days hardware wise (added an extra GPU to a rig that keeps restarting (I think heat issues)) but I didn't catch it until well into the day.  Other than that, my mining experience with clever has been extremely positive.  With shitty hardware performance, I've mined 0.18963619 BTC in ~ 13 days (give or take a day as the website is saying I joined 13 days ago), or 0.015 per day, when with LTC, I would have averaged 0.012-0.013.

This is what I expected, some days to be MUCH better than LTC, others to be similar, some to be mildly under.

6 payouts, 6 days = 0.079390560 / 6 = 0.01323176/Day

This is with one of our main exchanges being down (Coinmarket) I have also not had the steadiest hash since getting back up trying to tune everything. If Coinmarket was up, higher payouts for first couple days. VTminer had to find a new exchange.

Activity: 45
Merit: 0
I have 8 weeks of LTC data Smiley  I'll report every day all week on actual payouts - so we can see if your call of "bs" is accurate or not.

Well until you have 8 weeks of Clever/CoinSolver/Waffle. I could care less.

I invite your data to show otherwise.

Oh vay. You don't go away. Once I get my rig back up I will give you a weeks worth of data.

All this time you've been arguing against the data I collected, and you don't even have any?

Get that rig up and running - sharing results is best for everyone.

I wasn't arguing against the data you collected. I was arguing on the way you are presenting it. My RMA comes in on Monday.

Did your RMA come in? 

I've had a bad couple of days hardware wise (added an extra GPU to a rig that keeps restarting (I think heat issues)) but I didn't catch it until well into the day.  Other than that, my mining experience with clever has been extremely positive.  With shitty hardware performance, I've mined 0.18963619 BTC in ~ 13 days (give or take a day as the website is saying I joined 13 days ago), or 0.015 per day, when with LTC, I would have averaged 0.012-0.013.

This is what I expected, some days to be MUCH better than LTC, others to be similar, some to be mildly under.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
this bonus payout is so elusive...ugh
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
VTMiner has added a few more coins to the lineup!

- iCoin
- Mintcoin
- Beecoin
- SmartCoin
- Digibyte
- PenguinCoin
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Coinsolver added to mining pools database
Good luck, miners

Sweet! That's a nifty little site you have.
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
very cool! ill give it a try! Smiley
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Coinsolver added to mining pools database
Good luck, miners
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
New updates in the works  Smiley shhh, don't tell anyone I told you!

sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Quote from: vtminer
Just a head's up that we are delaying today's payouts due to some unannounced maintenance by one of our exchanges (CoinMarket). The bulk of the day's earnings are tied up there and until they 'unpause their markets' we must wait. If this persists, we may combine today and tomorrows payouts in a single run.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Update: Their maintenance is still ongoing. We have been given an ETA of 6PM EST, so if that holds, we will just fold yesterday and today into the same payout.

Again, sorry for the trouble, and thanks for your patience!

sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
I have 8 weeks of LTC data Smiley  I'll report every day all week on actual payouts - so we can see if your call of "bs" is accurate or not.

Well until you have 8 weeks of Clever/CoinSolver/Waffle. I could care less.

I invite your data to show otherwise.

Oh vay. You don't go away. Once I get my rig back up I will give you a weeks worth of data.

All this time you've been arguing against the data I collected, and you don't even have any?

Get that rig up and running - sharing results is best for everyone.

I wasn't arguing against the data you collected. I was arguing on the way you are presenting it. My RMA comes in on Monday.
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
I have 8 weeks of LTC data Smiley  I'll report every day all week on actual payouts - so we can see if your call of "bs" is accurate or not.

Well until you have 8 weeks of Clever/CoinSolver/Waffle. I could care less.

I invite your data to show otherwise.

Oh vay. You don't go away. Once I get my rig back up I will give you a weeks worth of data.

All this time you've been arguing against the data I collected, and you don't even have any?

Get that rig up and running - sharing results is best for everyone.
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