I'm not saying that manual bet system on the plinko game is bad as well, but having 2 options (manual and auto) will be better ofc because when some time players do not have enough time and energy to click bet button for every bet they make so that's why there is auto betting system.
Talking about the raffle, I'm not hoping too much because I know the chance is quite small with such low number of tickets, and you are right that the luck is main factor here so although I'm not hoping too much but there is still a small hope/chance.
The most important thing for me is that I'm enjoying the game while wagering to earn additional tickets, win and lose while wagering is a very common thing but winning from a raffle is a special thing especially if we win it with low number of tickets.
I think my last post was not clear enough, and I apologize for it, sir. In the last post, I did not support one system in fact, I support both the auto betting and manual systems, as both have their own benefits. It would be good if they could add this auto betting system, as you already clarified. Fixing it will bring additional benefits, and people will spend more time.
Yes, it would be a great win if you win a raffle with a low number of tickets, but don't worry sir, it's just a game of luck. If your luck is stronger, then it will not matter how many cards you have. However, keep wagering and earning more cards, maybe your luck won't give you a win, but your cards will.