Veleor found a new sort of plagiarism: the user takes the Russian text, translates it using Google Translate and then places it on the forum.
The assumption that bitcoin can replace the Fiat money is absurd and can not be seriously considered. The number of virtual coins can be mined 21 million. This is not enough for the world economy. This is only one of 1000 reasons why the replacement will not happen.
Another reason is the difficulty in using crypto currency for most people. Storage on a digital wallet carrier with all transactions is not the most convenient format for many. The variant with the sites providing services for storage and work with digital accounts is not considered - anonymity and decentralization are lost, and with them and the meaning of such a replacement.
The ICO market begins to calm down after an unprecedented rush and gradually turns into a stable and reliable tool for crowdfunding. When crypto community realized all the charm of smart contracts, then with the help of ether began to release tokens. Now there are four main types of tokens: Payment, Donation, Utility and Security. Over the past two years, Utility has been able to collect a huge amount of money on kriptornke using the tool ICO.
After the explosions in the collections of 2016 and 2017 (about $ 4 billion and $ 6 billion, respectively) summer of 2018 came - ICO volumes fell by about 10 times. According to the chairman of the expert council, the cause itself was kriptornok - influence is exerted both by the fall of the BTC rate, and the projects of previous years, which did not justify themselves. Koltsov believes these factors are the main reasons why investors stopped believing and investing in Utility tokens and startups. So it seems to me that the ICO time is most likely coming to an end.
All because it refers to revolutionary technologies. Block chains are the technology underlying the Bitcoin crypto currency, which is characterized by high security, transparency and resistance to change. At the same time, block circuits have much more potential than one that can be implemented in digital currency. This technology makes transactions between two objects possible without an intermediary in the face of the clearing center, which significantly reduces the time and cost of the transaction. Moreover, when combined with "smart" contracts, block-chain technology allows you to automatically issue digital securities and trade financial derivatives. For example, the insurance industry has a great potential, which can offer new opportunities for the application of block-chain technology.
Блoчныe цeпи – тexнoлoгия, лeжaщaя в ocнoвe кpиптoвaлюты Bitcoin, кoтopaя xapaктepизyeтcя выcoкoй бeзoпacнocтью, пpoзpaчнocтью и ycтoйчивocтью к измeнeниям. Пpи этoм, блoчныe цeпи oблaдaют знaчитeльнo бoльшим пoтeнциaлoм, чeм тoт, кoтopый мoжeт быть peaлизoвaн в цифpoвoй вaлютe. Этa тexнoлoгия дeлaeт вoзмoжным тpaнзaкции мeждy двyмя oбъeктaми бeз пocpeдникa в лицe клиpингoвoгo цeнтpa, чтo знaчитeльнo cнижaeт вpeмя и cтoимocть тpaнзaкции. Бoлee тoгo, пpи oбъeдинeнии c «yмными» кoнтpaктaми, тexнoлoгия блoчныx цeпeй пoзвoляeт aвтoмaтичecки эмитиpoвaть цифpoвыe цeнныe бyмaги и тopгoвaть финaнcoвыми дepивaтивaми. Haпpимep, cтpaxoвaя индycтpия oблaдaeт бoльшим пoтeнциaлoм, cпocoбным пpeдлoжить нoвыe вoзмoжнocти для пpимeнeния тexнoлoгии блoчныx цeпeй.
This sort of plagiarism can meet not only in the English section, but also in other sections of the forum. Violators can use not only the Russian text. It`s quite difficult to detect it.