A new study of day traders in Brazil 3 academics, 2 from the Sao Paulo School of Economics and another from the University of Sao Paulo, undertook a comprehensive analysis of options and futures day traders in local equity markets and shown that this is almost certain to be a total nonsense.
The academics looked at just under 20,000 new traders and found that, over time, they lost more and more money. Of those that traded for a single day, roughly 30% turned a profit. Conversely, only 3 percent of the people that traded for over 300 days made any money.
In fact, the researchers found that the longer that someone traded, the more money they lost. This pattern can be seen in the casino roulett, said the academics.
>> If day trading is not profitable, then why do people still do day trading?
This showed that getting profit in trading is not an easy things imagine under 20, 000 traders only 30% got profit only. Now, people still do trade because of the belief they have, it depends on mindset they've put in there mind, which was the reason for them to continue on doing it in the market.