Seems like weve got many peaces of the puzzle here, but not enough of anything to understand.
So the block explorers, you could build your own and fully integrate it, well that would look great, thats a nice UI you have so that would look awesome, and no doubt add a ton of functionality to it.
Why would you intergrate a 3rd party explorer if you can build your own though?? All block data comes from the blockchain so they should all be the same, i dont really get why you would use a 3rd party if you can build your own...
Well we want everyone to be happy with what we are doing and if we used a 3rd party explorer as well then theres no mistake is there
its a trust thing again, we want everyone to know we are doing the right thing and our system working right.
Build your own, but add a button to view a given TXid or Block on a 3rd party explorer.......
ok cool
lets do that then