It wasn't about you per se rather Camerons hypocrisy.
Honestly, i'm actually surprised that Cameron is still bothering really. What I did was I bought a little bit of this project that I can afford to lose, so if it does be a success i'll be happy with it. Considering there's so many projects out there, i'm not sure if there's any point in constantly fudding this one when you can use that time for bounties, meeting new people, expanding your portfolio into other stuff, etc.
I'm not trying to be harsh about this, but every single time I see something related to this project on virtually any medium, there's nothing but arguing. if Cameron and you put in the same amount of time that you do arguing into making this project a success, then this project would probably be a lot better than it is now. I know the tech isn't out yet, and that's fine considering there's a lot of projects that use proprietary tech. But unless you guys can actually promote this project positively across the mediums and avenues that this project have, do you really think people will invest in it when they search Xtrabytes and see all the drama?
I haven't called this project a scam in a long time because I don't believe that it's a scam. I'm not 100% okay with the way things are being done in the project (or how the community is currently), and I think I've expressed that before in some of my posts. But there is the fact that a lot of people put tons of time and effort into this project, and I really do respect that. Yes, I do know that development seems to be slow, but I do hold out hope that one day I can test out the technology for myself and so can the rest of the crypto community.