XTRABYTES™ Update - Sept 12, 2019
The first 2 weeks of September has been a busy one for your XTRABYTES Team, as we prepare for some upcoming and exciting events.
Today we wish to share a small update so that you are informed and therefore able to plan ahead if you wish to enjoy these events with the team.
Team MeetingWe have 19 of our valuable team members travelling to a private session in central Europe, where we will extend our NDA agreements and share some technical knowledge as well as corporate plans for the future. This meeting will occur on the weekend of Sept 21 & 22 (1 week from now).
What can you expect?Although not everyone will be able to participate (due to real life personal reasons) we are planning to capture some video testimonials which will eventually be released as a video compilation.
Also, the highlight of the weekend for the XTRABYTES community will be a live feed which we will share starting on Sunday at 3PM GMT ( 5PM CEST - Central European Summer Time) We recommend the following website to coordinate with your local timezone:
https://time.is/GMT Simply make sure you are in Discord when the clock on the site above reaches 3PM ( 15:00 ) on Sept 22.
Patent News Although we targeted and anticipated a patent pending announcement during our live feed, the timing didn’t coordinate. (that would have been awesome!)
The law firm has informed us, after review, that the changes required to the original draft documentation are extensive and will require a considerable amount of time to prepare. As such, the time required conflicts with their scheduled commitments with other clients, which means they will start working on our files again around the end of September.
Meanwhile, we continue to work on other important pieces of our project. As such; we ask that everyone turns their focus to all the positives that are occurring as we prepare to move the project to the next stage. We are well aware of how frustrating this patent journey has become and see no reason to dwell on it as we approach the finish line, therefore we don’t.
With that said, we thank you all for your ongoing patience.