I even felt amused when I read the table of contents on this topic, since almost only two years ago, newcomers could more or less normally earn money, because even trading was easier than for this period. Before a beginner earns money and also does not lose his investment, he needs to study a lot of information.
I would not consider trading as easy for newcomers two years ago. You may consider it
easy that time because we are in the final leg of the massive bull run, so obviously the price keeps pumping months and months. So there's a lot of beginners who earn by just buying and then shorting it. But now it is very different and I'm sure that those newcomers are already out of the market in 2018 because it didn't satisfy their goal to be a crypto millionaire year because the market chance a lot.
So beginners today are not that lucky compare to two years ago. Conversely, it could be a good time to trade though in this kind of hostile environment, as least you learn a lot and become reliable and responsible for your trades.