that's a self-moderated thread, so you can just remove any negative feedback. and that's what you are accused of doing in your various threads in the services section. the fact that you keep opening these types of threads suggests you are scammers looking for fast exposure.
this is beginning to look very much like the scam bitzure pulled a few weeks ago: 1) show up in the services forum
appearing to offer the possibility of a signature campaign. this gets you exposure. 2) exit scam.
see:;alland read through to the end:;allcome think of it, their bitcointalk account really needs to be tagged as well....
anyway, you try to give the appearance of a paying campaign, but your removal of a reputable campaign manager, the blatant self-escrow attempt, and ending 2 campaigns within a week (without paying anyone) show that this is very likely to be a scam.
a campaign manager that registered to the forum 3 days ago? this will not fly. changing the terms of your campaign every 2 days, with no escrow, no proof of payments? this is not how a legitimate business operates.
Hey, legit claims, we understand your concerns. Thankfully we can rebuke most.
1. First of all, we have some good news. We have just paid everyone who participated in our closed campaigns. Here is the spreadsheet with all the info, incl TX ids of payments: Our current campaign is now active with us managing it ourselves. Spreadsheet here: are not accepting more people (except for participants of the previous campaign who would like to continue with us).
i think it's customary at this point, given the shenanigans around opening several threads and ending campaigns after a day, that you put the funds into escrow. the least you can do to prove to the community that this isn't a scam is to put one month's salaries at risk. see a list of trusted forum escrows here: We did not kick a reputable manager. google23 is an alt account of the same manager we had. We are unsure why he felt it necessary to create an alt account to run the new campaign, but it was what it was.
it seems that you are deceiving people here. Razick was your campaign manager prior to google23. but he says:
I got fired by Nexchange.
4. Our previous campaign manager encouraged us to open self-moderated posts and managed them as he saw fit. Going forward, we are no longer doing that.
your current campaign thread is self-moderated...
i still stand by my original assessment. if you are indeed innocent here, then next time around, get a plan and stick to it. don't start a signature/avatar campaign without signatures and avatars. have a reputable campaign manager and stick to it. put the funds in escrow. if these things had been done to begin with,
in one thread, no one would be accusing you of anything.
but now we have to seriously question the legitimacy of your service....