This should finalize nPoS
So far trust keys are done, working out the Variable Weight, and then to testing it personally and then to testnet release to let it run for about a week to ensure the variable interest is working as it should so forth.
One of the prime points of this aspect of nPoS is that Variable Interest builds not from holding coins, but from staking coins. This will give incentive to users to secure the network, as their interest rates will increase to 3% over a year's worth of staking as long as their trust key doesn't expire. A trust key expires after no stake blocks seen for ~2 weeks.
Another aspect is securing the network from those wanting to hold their coins to build weight to produce more blocks at current difficulty later on down the road as the highest weight will always be awarded to daily stakers who are staking with their trust key. Weight will take 30 days to build the Genesis Coinstake which will establish the Trust Key, and being the growth of interest rate from 0.5% to 3% after 1 year.
This also allows Trust Keys to be given staking limits such as, 1 stake block every 100 blocks, or whatever limit I set. This prevents yet one more possible attack vector, and ensures the security in nPoS reflects the security already implemented accordingly, and that even larger coin holders have less advantage to getting stake blocks as smaller holders, for their stake blocks with their trust key will only be allowed to a set quantity daily, which opens the doors for smaller stakers to get their blocks in.
Thank You,
What is to prevent larger coin holders simply splitting their coins across multiple wallets to avoid set quantity?