уже неоднократно заметил баг
если отваливается интернет на пару часов, то все риги уходят на якобы вылет драйвера и запуск ongpulost.bat.
независимо от типа рестарта (драйвер или ребут), после отработки скрипта оболочка запускается и зависает на етапе "getting sma". и висит пока не прибьешь.
вот концовка лога.
[2020-09-11 05:38:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] Current Global profit: 3.80388861 USD/Day
[2020-09-11 05:38:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] Current Global profit: IS PROFITABLE MinProfit mine always regardless of profit
[2020-09-11 05:38:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] PrevStateProfit 0.000368730356159814, CurrentProfit 0.000368730356159814
[2020-09-11 05:38:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] GPU#1 Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB: Will NOT SWITCH profit diff is 0%, current threshold 5%
[2020-09-11 05:38:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] PrevStateProfit 0.000368730356159814, CurrentProfit 0.000368730356159814
[2020-09-11 05:38:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] GPU#2 Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB: Will NOT SWITCH profit diff is 0%, current threshold 5%
[2020-09-11 05:38:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] PrevStateProfit 0.000368730356159814, CurrentProfit 0.000368730356159814
[2020-09-11 05:38:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] GPU#3 Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics: Will NOT SWITCH profit diff is 0%, current threshold 5%
[2020-09-11 05:38:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] PrevStateProfit 0.000368730356159814, CurrentProfit 0.000368730356159814
[2020-09-11 05:38:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] GPU#4 Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics: Will NOT SWITCH profit diff is 0%, current threshold 5%
[2020-09-11 05:38:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] PrevStateProfit 0.000368730356159814, CurrentProfit 0.000368730356159814
[2020-09-11 05:38:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] GPU#5 Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics: Will NOT SWITCH profit diff is 0%, current threshold 5%
[2020-09-11 05:38:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] PrevStateProfit 0.000368730356159814, CurrentProfit 0.000368730356159814
[2020-09-11 05:38:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] GPU#6 Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics: Will NOT SWITCH profit diff is 0%, current threshold 5%
[2020-09-11 05:38:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] [pid(3396)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] READ SPEED ZERO, will cool up
[2020-09-11 05:38:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] [pid(3396)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] Cooling UP, cool time is 60000 ms
[2020-09-11 05:39:04] [INFO] [SOCKET] Sending data: {"method":"miner.status","params":["MINING",[["","2-ZmJc3-h3t1CROwceNk3MSQ",18,0,[[20,0]],41,2452,31,-1,0],["","2-pvSUzAv3w16v-ffHjcv+vA",18,0,[[20,0]],43,0,7,-1,0],["","3-x8zYiJUX1FadLzOB0NC6Vw",26,0,[[54,0]],35,2595,8,-1,0],["","3-2uKVgbnF8l6gCXXiV6khFg",26,0,[[54,0]],33,2631,8,-1,0],["","3-w7PyWe6gIVuExMxkEQxZrQ",26,0,[[54,0]],32,-1,9,-1,0],["","3-tPv+-EBuWV2keyekTDlZJw",26,0,[[54,0]],32,-1,8,-1,0]]]}
[2020-09-11 05:39:04] [INFO] [SOCKET] 09/11/2020 05:39:04|Fatal|<>c__DisplayClass174_0.b__2:0|System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: Удаленный хост принудительно разорвал существующее подключение. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Удаленный хост принудительно разорвал существующее подключение
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndReceive(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Net.Security._SslStream.EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at WebSocketSharp.Ext.<>c__DisplayClass59_0.b__0(IAsyncResult ar)
[2020-09-11 05:39:04] [INFO] [SOCKET] 09/11/2020 05:39:04|Debug|WebSocket.closeHandshake:0|Was clean?: False
sent: False
received: False
[2020-09-11 05:39:04] [INFO] [NiceHashSocket] Connection closed code 1006: An exception has occurred while receiving.
[2020-09-11 05:39:46] [INFO] [ComputeDeviceManager.CheckCount] CUDA GPUs count: Old: 2 / New: 2
[2020-09-11 05:39:48] [INFO] [AlgorithmSwitchingManager] SmaCheckTimerOnElapsed
[2020-09-11 05:39:48] [INFO] [SwitchingManager] Normalizing profits
No algos affected (either no SMA update or no algos higher
[2020-09-11 05:39:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] Current device profits:
Profits for GPU-f688d793-20e8-aba2-c28d-f2e12d808dee (GPU#1 Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB):
PROFIT = -0.000001141700 SPEED = 273566.667 NHSMA = 0.04521864519 CryptoDredge_NeoScrypt less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 101.24%
PROFIT = 0.000091930600 SPEED = 21122763.75 NHSMA = 0.005006430925 Claymore_DaggerHashimoto less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 0.00%
PROFIT = 0.000010842200 SPEED = 37.54 NHSMA = 640.5730515 GMiner_ZHash less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 88.21%
PROFIT = -0.000009527500 SPEED = 30173333.333 NHSMA = 0.0001371413307 CryptoDredge_Lyra2REv3 less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 110.36%
PROFIT = 0.000029346300 SPEED = 3.704 NHSMA = 11446.44826 GMiner_CuckooCycle less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 68.08%
PROFIT = 0.000007558000 SPEED = 3.902 NHSMA = 5084.981076 GMiner_GrinCuckarood29 less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 91.78%
PROFIT = 0.000022804400 SPEED = 9965333.333 NHSMA = 0.003628864038 CryptoDredge_X16RV2 less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 75.19%
PROFIT = 0.000015374300 SPEED = 7917840 NHSMA = 0.003628864038 ZEnemy_X16RV2 less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 83.28%
PROFIT = 0.000044989700 SPEED = 16121200 NHSMA = 0.003628864038 trex_X16RV2 less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 51.06%
PROFIT = 0.000031834700 SPEED = 0.18 NHSMA = 246807.6182 GMiner_GrinCuckatoo32 less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 65.37%
PROFIT = 0.000045867800 SPEED = 9642000 NHSMA = 0.006142527817 GMiner_KAWPOW less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 50.11%
PROFIT = 0.000049479700 SPEED = 10280000 NHSMA = 0.006142527817 NBMiner_KAWPOW less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 46.18%
PROFIT = 0.000023941400 SPEED = 88.085 NHSMA = 407.7639462 GMiner_Cuckaroo29BFC less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 73.96%
PROFIT = 0.000038862400 SPEED = 11.5 NHSMA = 4514.241632 GMiner_BeamV3 less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 57.73%
PROFIT = 0.000037850100 SPEED = 11.378 NHSMA = 4514.241632 miniZ_BeamV3 less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 58.83%
PROFIT = 0.000037709500 SPEED = 1.828 NHSMA = 27684.54437 GMiner_CuckaRooz29 less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 58.98%
MOST PROFITABLE ALGO: Claymore_DaggerHashimoto, PROFIT: 0.000091930589
Profits for GPU-5f9c8297-f31c-29a7-96f1-b0ccf2902aaf (GPU#2 Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB):
PROFIT = -0.000001141700 SPEED = 273566.667 NHSMA = 0.04521864519 CryptoDredge_NeoScrypt less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 101.24%
PROFIT = 0.000091930600 SPEED = 21122763.75 NHSMA = 0.005006430925 Claymore_DaggerHashimoto less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 0.00%
PROFIT = 0.000010842200 SPEED = 37.54 NHSMA = 640.5730515 GMiner_ZHash less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 88.21%
PROFIT = -0.000009527500 SPEED = 30173333.333 NHSMA = 0.0001371413307 CryptoDredge_Lyra2REv3 less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 110.36%
PROFIT = 0.000029346300 SPEED = 3.704 NHSMA = 11446.44826 GMiner_CuckooCycle less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 68.08%
PROFIT = 0.000007558000 SPEED = 3.902 NHSMA = 5084.981076 GMiner_GrinCuckarood29 less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 91.78%
PROFIT = 0.000022804400 SPEED = 9965333.333 NHSMA = 0.003628864038 CryptoDredge_X16RV2 less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 75.19%
PROFIT = 0.000015374300 SPEED = 7917840 NHSMA = 0.003628864038 ZEnemy_X16RV2 less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 83.28%
PROFIT = 0.000044989700 SPEED = 16121200 NHSMA = 0.003628864038 trex_X16RV2 less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 51.06%
PROFIT = 0.000031834700 SPEED = 0.18 NHSMA = 246807.6182 GMiner_GrinCuckatoo32 less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 65.37%
PROFIT = 0.000045867800 SPEED = 9642000 NHSMA = 0.006142527817 GMiner_KAWPOW less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 50.11%
PROFIT = 0.000049479700 SPEED = 10280000 NHSMA = 0.006142527817 NBMiner_KAWPOW less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 46.18%
PROFIT = 0.000023941400 SPEED = 88.085 NHSMA = 407.7639462 GMiner_Cuckaroo29BFC less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 73.96%
PROFIT = 0.000038862400 SPEED = 11.5 NHSMA = 4514.241632 GMiner_BeamV3 less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 57.73%
PROFIT = 0.000037850100 SPEED = 11.378 NHSMA = 4514.241632 miniZ_BeamV3 less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 58.83%
PROFIT = 0.000037709500 SPEED = 1.828 NHSMA = 27684.54437 GMiner_CuckaRooz29 less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 58.98%
MOST PROFITABLE ALGO: Claymore_DaggerHashimoto, PROFIT: 0.000091930589
Profits for PCI_VEN_1002&DEV_67DF_2DDC6CBB (GPU#3 Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics):
PROFIT = 0.000016894600 SPEED = 6500000 NHSMA = 0.006142527817 teamredminer_KAWPOW less than lolMiner_BeamV3 63.45%
PROFIT = 0.000013823400 SPEED = 6000000 NHSMA = 0.006142527817 NBMiner_KAWPOW less than lolMiner_BeamV3 70.09%
PROFIT = 0.000046217300 SPEED = 15 NHSMA = 4514.241632 lolMiner_BeamV3 less than lolMiner_BeamV3 0.00%
MOST PROFITABLE ALGO: lolMiner_BeamV3, PROFIT: 0.000046217295
Profits for PCI_VEN_1002&DEV_67DF_63638AD (GPU#4 Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics):
PROFIT = 0.000016894600 SPEED = 6500000 NHSMA = 0.006142527817 teamredminer_KAWPOW less than lolMiner_BeamV3 63.45%
PROFIT = 0.000013823400 SPEED = 6000000 NHSMA = 0.006142527817 NBMiner_KAWPOW less than lolMiner_BeamV3 70.09%
PROFIT = 0.000046217300 SPEED = 15 NHSMA = 4514.241632 lolMiner_BeamV3 less than lolMiner_BeamV3 0.00%
MOST PROFITABLE ALGO: lolMiner_BeamV3, PROFIT: 0.000046217295
Profits for PCI_VEN_1002&DEV_67DF_25A57E32 (GPU#5 Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics):
PROFIT = 0.000016894600 SPEED = 6500000 NHSMA = 0.006142527817 teamredminer_KAWPOW less than lolMiner_BeamV3 63.45%
PROFIT = 0.000013823400 SPEED = 6000000 NHSMA = 0.006142527817 NBMiner_KAWPOW less than lolMiner_BeamV3 70.09%
PROFIT = 0.000046217300 SPEED = 15 NHSMA = 4514.241632 lolMiner_BeamV3 less than lolMiner_BeamV3 0.00%
MOST PROFITABLE ALGO: lolMiner_BeamV3, PROFIT: 0.000046217295
Profits for PCI_VEN_1002&DEV_67DF_36135B44 (GPU#6 Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics):
PROFIT = 0.000016894600 SPEED = 6500000 NHSMA = 0.006142527817 teamredminer_KAWPOW less than lolMiner_BeamV3 63.45%
PROFIT = 0.000013823400 SPEED = 6000000 NHSMA = 0.006142527817 NBMiner_KAWPOW less than lolMiner_BeamV3 70.09%
PROFIT = 0.000046217300 SPEED = 15 NHSMA = 4514.241632 lolMiner_BeamV3 less than lolMiner_BeamV3 0.00%
MOST PROFITABLE ALGO: lolMiner_BeamV3, PROFIT: 0.000046217295
[2020-09-11 05:39:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] Current Global profit: 3.80388861 USD/Day
[2020-09-11 05:39:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] Current Global profit: IS PROFITABLE MinProfit mine always regardless of profit
[2020-09-11 05:39:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] PrevStateProfit 0.000368730356159814, CurrentProfit 0.000368730356159814
[2020-09-11 05:39:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] GPU#1 Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB: Will NOT SWITCH profit diff is 0%, current threshold 5%
[2020-09-11 05:39:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] PrevStateProfit 0.000368730356159814, CurrentProfit 0.000368730356159814
[2020-09-11 05:39:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] GPU#2 Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB: Will NOT SWITCH profit diff is 0%, current threshold 5%
[2020-09-11 05:39:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] PrevStateProfit 0.000368730356159814, CurrentProfit 0.000368730356159814
[2020-09-11 05:39:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] GPU#3 Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics: Will NOT SWITCH profit diff is 0%, current threshold 5%
[2020-09-11 05:39:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] PrevStateProfit 0.000368730356159814, CurrentProfit 0.000368730356159814
[2020-09-11 05:39:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] GPU#4 Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics: Will NOT SWITCH profit diff is 0%, current threshold 5%
[2020-09-11 05:39:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] PrevStateProfit 0.000368730356159814, CurrentProfit 0.000368730356159814
[2020-09-11 05:39:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] GPU#5 Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics: Will NOT SWITCH profit diff is 0%, current threshold 5%
[2020-09-11 05:39:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] PrevStateProfit 0.000368730356159814, CurrentProfit 0.000368730356159814
[2020-09-11 05:39:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] GPU#6 Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics: Will NOT SWITCH profit diff is 0%, current threshold 5%
[2020-09-11 05:39:49] [INFO] [SOCKET] Force reconnect
[2020-09-11 05:39:49] [INFO] [SOCKET] Connecting
[2020-09-11 05:39:49] [INFO] [SOCKET] 09/11/2020 05:39:49|Warn |Logger.set_Output:0|The current output action has been changed.
[2020-09-11 05:39:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] [pid(3396)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] READ SPEED ZERO, will cool up
[2020-09-11 05:39:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] [pid(3396)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] Cooling UP, cool time is 90000 ms
[2020-09-11 05:39:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] [pid(3396)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] MAX cool time exceeded. RESTARTING
[2020-09-11 05:39:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] [pid(3396)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] Restarting miner..
[2020-09-11 05:39:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] [pid(3396)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] Shutting down miner
[2020-09-11 05:39:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Trying to kill all miner processes for this instance:
[2020-09-11 05:39:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Nothing to kill [pid(3792)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)], exMsg Process with an Id of 3792 is not running.
[2020-09-11 05:39:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Trying to kill [pid(3396)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)]
[2020-09-11 05:39:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Exception killing [pid(3396)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)], exMsg No process is associated with this object.
[2020-09-11 05:39:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Trying to kill all miner processes for this instance:
[2020-09-11 05:39:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Trying to kill [pid(3396)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)]
[2020-09-11 05:39:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Exception killing [pid(3396)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)], exMsg No process is associated with this object.
[2020-09-11 05:39:52] [INFO] [SOCKET] 09/11/2020 05:39:52|Debug|WebSocket.sendHttpRequest:0|A request to the server:
GET /v3/nhml HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: websocket-sharp/1.0
Host: nhmws.nicehash.com
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: WEWXuNYv2QQeEOn9NRekXg==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
[2020-09-11 05:39:54] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Starting miner [pid(2380)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] --algo BEAM-III --pool beamv3.eu.nicehash.com:3387 --user 3FG3D1cfmcu8fk86B[SENSORED]2QXQD.w11mff311$0-SZrzjFcshlimKSYewoJmlQ --pass x --tls 0 --pool beamv3.usa.nicehash.com:3387 --user 3FG3D1cfmcu8fk86B[SENSORED]2QXQD.w11mff311$0-SZrzjFcshlimKSYewoJmlQ --pass x --tls 0 --pool beamv3.hk.nicehash.com:3387 --user 3FG3D1cfmcu8fk86B[SENSORED]2QXQD.w11mff311$0-SZrzjFcshlimKSYewoJmlQ --pass x --tls 0 --pool beamv3.jp.nicehash.com:3387 --user 3FG3D1cfmcu8fk86B[SENSORED]2QXQD.w11mff311$0-SZrzjFcshlimKSYewoJmlQ --pass x --tls 0 --pool beamv3.in.nicehash.com:3387 --user 3FG3D1cfmcu8fk86B[SENSORED]2QXQD.w11mff311$0-SZrzjFcshlimKSYewoJmlQ --pass x --tls 0 --pool beamv3.br.nicehash.com:3387 --user 3FG3D1cfmcu8fk86B[SENSORED]2QXQD.w11mff311$0-SZrzjFcshlimKSYewoJmlQ --pass x --tls 0 --apiport 4003 --devices 0,1,2,3
[2020-09-11 05:39:54] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] [pid(2380)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] Starting cooldown checker
[2020-09-11 05:40:24] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] [pid(2380)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] READ SPEED ZERO, will cool up
[2020-09-11 05:40:24] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] [pid(2380)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] Cooling UP, cool time is 60000 ms
[2020-09-11 05:40:39] [INFO] [SOCKET] Force reconnect
[2020-09-11 05:40:39] [INFO] [SOCKET] Connecting
[2020-09-11 05:40:39] [INFO] [SOCKET] 09/11/2020 05:40:39|Warn |Logger.set_Output:0|The current output action has been changed.
[2020-09-11 05:40:47] [INFO] [ComputeDeviceManager.CheckCount] CUDA GPUs count: Old: 2 / New: 0
[2020-09-11 05:40:48] [INFO] [AlgorithmSwitchingManager] SmaCheckTimerOnElapsed
[2020-09-11 05:40:48] [INFO] [SwitchingManager] Normalizing profits
No algos affected (either no SMA update or no algos higher
[2020-09-11 05:40:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] Current device profits:
Profits for GPU-f688d793-20e8-aba2-c28d-f2e12d808dee (GPU#1 Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB):
PROFIT = -0.000001141700 SPEED = 273566.667 NHSMA = 0.04521864519 CryptoDredge_NeoScrypt less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 101.24%
PROFIT = 0.000091930600 SPEED = 21122763.75 NHSMA = 0.005006430925 Claymore_DaggerHashimoto less than
(The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (64000 characters).)
PROFIT = 0.000013823400 SPEED = 6000000 NHSMA = 0.006142527817 NBMiner_KAWPOW less than lolMiner_BeamV3 70.09%
PROFIT = 0.000046217300 SPEED = 15 NHSMA = 4514.241632 lolMiner_BeamV3 less than lolMiner_BeamV3 0.00%
MOST PROFITABLE ALGO: lolMiner_BeamV3, PROFIT: 0.000046217295
[2020-09-11 05:40:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] Current Global profit: 3.80388861 USD/Day
[2020-09-11 05:40:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] Current Global profit: IS PROFITABLE MinProfit mine always regardless of profit
[2020-09-11 05:40:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] PrevStateProfit 0.000368730356159814, CurrentProfit 0.000368730356159814
[2020-09-11 05:40:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] GPU#1 Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB: Will NOT SWITCH profit diff is 0%, current threshold 5%
[2020-09-11 05:40:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] PrevStateProfit 0.000368730356159814, CurrentProfit 0.000368730356159814
[2020-09-11 05:40:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] GPU#2 Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB: Will NOT SWITCH profit diff is 0%, current threshold 5%
[2020-09-11 05:40:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] PrevStateProfit 0.000368730356159814, CurrentProfit 0.000368730356159814
[2020-09-11 05:40:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] GPU#3 Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics: Will NOT SWITCH profit diff is 0%, current threshold 5%
[2020-09-11 05:40:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] PrevStateProfit 0.000368730356159814, CurrentProfit 0.000368730356159814
[2020-09-11 05:40:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] GPU#4 Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics: Will NOT SWITCH profit diff is 0%, current threshold 5%
[2020-09-11 05:40:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] PrevStateProfit 0.000368730356159814, CurrentProfit 0.000368730356159814
[2020-09-11 05:40:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] GPU#5 Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics: Will NOT SWITCH profit diff is 0%, current threshold 5%
[2020-09-11 05:40:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] PrevStateProfit 0.000368730356159814, CurrentProfit 0.000368730356159814
[2020-09-11 05:40:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] GPU#6 Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics: Will NOT SWITCH profit diff is 0%, current threshold 5%
[2020-09-11 05:40:50] [INFO] [SOCKET] 09/11/2020 05:40:50|Debug|WebSocket.sendHttpRequest:0|A request to the server:
GET /v3/nhml HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: websocket-sharp/1.0
Host: nhmws.nicehash.com
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: wQ+MMOiQB0bSFUSX+yiNXQ==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
[2020-09-11 05:41:22] [INFO] [SOCKET] 09/11/2020 05:41:22|Fatal|WebSocket.connect:0|A timeout has occurred while reading an HTTP request/response.
[2020-09-11 05:41:22] [INFO] [SOCKET] 09/11/2020 05:41:22|Debug|WebSocket.connect:0|WebSocketSharp.WebSocketException: A timeout has occurred while reading an HTTP request/response. ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: Операция блокирования прервана вызовом WSACancelBlockingCall. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Операция блокирования прервана вызовом WSACancelBlockingCall
at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
at System.Net.FixedSizeReader.ReadPacket(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at System.Net.Security._SslStream.StartFrameHeader(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
at System.Net.Security._SslStream.StartReading(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
at System.Net.Security._SslStream.ProcessRead(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at System.IO.Stream.ReadByte()
at WebSocketSharp.HttpBase.readHeaders(Stream stream, Int32 maxLength)
at WebSocketSharp.HttpBase.Read[T](Stream stream, Func`2 parser, Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at WebSocketSharp.HttpBase.Read[T](Stream stream, Func`2 parser, Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
at WebSocketSharp.HttpRequest.GetResponse(Stream stream, Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
at WebSocketSharp.WebSocket.sendHttpRequest(HttpRequest request, Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
at WebSocketSharp.WebSocket.sendHandshakeRequest()
at WebSocketSharp.WebSocket.doHandshake()
at WebSocketSharp.WebSocket.connect()
[2020-09-11 05:41:22] [INFO] [SOCKET] 09/11/2020 05:41:22|Debug|WebSocket.closeHandshake:0|Was clean?: False
sent: False
received: False
[2020-09-11 05:41:22] [INFO] [NiceHashSocket] Connection closed code 1006: An exception has occurred while attempting to connect.
[2020-09-11 05:41:22] [INFO] [SOCKET] Connected
[2020-09-11 05:41:24] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] [pid(2380)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] READ SPEED ZERO, will cool up
[2020-09-11 05:41:24] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] [pid(2380)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] Cooling UP, cool time is 90000 ms
[2020-09-11 05:41:24] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] [pid(2380)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] MAX cool time exceeded. RESTARTING
[2020-09-11 05:41:24] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] [pid(2380)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] Restarting miner..
[2020-09-11 05:41:24] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] [pid(2380)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] Shutting down miner
[2020-09-11 05:41:24] [INFO] [SOCKET] Force reconnect
[2020-09-11 05:41:24] [INFO] [SOCKET] Connecting
[2020-09-11 05:41:24] [INFO] [SOCKET] 09/11/2020 05:41:24|Warn |Logger.set_Output:0|The current output action has been changed.
[2020-09-11 05:41:24] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Trying to kill all miner processes for this instance:
[2020-09-11 05:41:24] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Nothing to kill [pid(3396)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)], exMsg Process with an Id of 3396 is not running.
[2020-09-11 05:41:24] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Trying to kill [pid(2380)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)]
[2020-09-11 05:41:24] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Exception killing [pid(2380)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)], exMsg No process is associated with this object.
[2020-09-11 05:41:24] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Trying to kill all miner processes for this instance:
[2020-09-11 05:41:24] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Trying to kill [pid(2380)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)]
[2020-09-11 05:41:24] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Exception killing [pid(2380)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)], exMsg No process is associated with this object.
[2020-09-11 05:41:24] [INFO] [SOCKET] 09/11/2020 05:41:24|Debug|WebSocket.sendHttpRequest:0|A request to the server:
GET /v3/nhml HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: websocket-sharp/1.0
Host: nhmws.nicehash.com
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: yLERC0vg16wOMPn7mq311g==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
[2020-09-11 05:41:29] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Starting miner [pid(3436)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] --algo BEAM-III --pool beamv3.eu.nicehash.com:3387 --user 3FG3D1cfmcu8fk86B[SENSORED]2QXQD.w11mff311$0-SZrzjFcshlimKSYewoJmlQ --pass x --tls 0 --pool beamv3.usa.nicehash.com:3387 --user 3FG3D1cfmcu8fk86B[SENSORED]2QXQD.w11mff311$0-SZrzjFcshlimKSYewoJmlQ --pass x --tls 0 --pool beamv3.hk.nicehash.com:3387 --user 3FG3D1cfmcu8fk86B[SENSORED]2QXQD.w11mff311$0-SZrzjFcshlimKSYewoJmlQ --pass x --tls 0 --pool beamv3.jp.nicehash.com:3387 --user 3FG3D1cfmcu8fk86B[SENSORED]2QXQD.w11mff311$0-SZrzjFcshlimKSYewoJmlQ --pass x --tls 0 --pool beamv3.in.nicehash.com:3387 --user 3FG3D1cfmcu8fk86B[SENSORED]2QXQD.w11mff311$0-SZrzjFcshlimKSYewoJmlQ --pass x --tls 0 --pool beamv3.br.nicehash.com:3387 --user 3FG3D1cfmcu8fk86B[SENSORED]2QXQD.w11mff311$0-SZrzjFcshlimKSYewoJmlQ --pass x --tls 0 --apiport 4003 --devices 0,1,2,3
[2020-09-11 05:41:29] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] [pid(3436)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] Starting cooldown checker
[2020-09-11 05:41:47] [INFO] [ComputeDeviceManager.CheckCount] CUDA GPUs count: Old: 2 / New: 0
[2020-09-11 05:41:47] [INFO] [ERROR] Restart Windows due CUDA GPU is lost
[2020-09-11 05:41:48] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] [pid(3436)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] directly Miner_Exited Will restart in 5000 ms
[2020-09-11 05:41:48] [INFO] [AlgorithmSwitchingManager] SmaCheckTimerOnElapsed
[2020-09-11 05:41:48] [INFO] [SwitchingManager] Normalizing profits
No algos affected (either no SMA update or no algos higher
[2020-09-11 05:41:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] Current device profits:
Profits for GPU-f688d793-20e8-aba2-c28d-f2e12d808dee (GPU#1 Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB):
PROFIT = -0.000001141700 SPEED = 273566.667 NHSMA = 0.04521864519 CryptoDredge_NeoScrypt less than Claymore_DaggerHashimoto 101.24%
PROFIT = 0.000091930600 SPEED = 21122763.75 NHSMA = 0.005006430925 Claymore_DaggerHashimoto less than ъъъ
The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (64000 characters).
MOST PROFITABLE ALGO: lolMiner_BeamV3, PROFIT: 0.000046217295
Profits for PCI_VEN_1002&DEV_67DF_25A57E32 (GPU#5 Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics):
PROFIT = 0.000016894600 SPEED = 6500000 NHSMA = 0.006142527817 teamredminer_KAWPOW less than lolMiner_BeamV3 63.45%
PROFIT = 0.000013823400 SPEED = 6000000 NHSMA = 0.006142527817 NBMiner_KAWPOW less than lolMiner_BeamV3 70.09%
PROFIT = 0.000046217300 SPEED = 15 NHSMA = 4514.241632 lolMiner_BeamV3 less than lolMiner_BeamV3 0.00%
MOST PROFITABLE ALGO: lolMiner_BeamV3, PROFIT: 0.000046217295
Profits for PCI_VEN_1002&DEV_67DF_36135B44 (GPU#6 Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics):
PROFIT = 0.000016894600 SPEED = 6500000 NHSMA = 0.006142527817 teamredminer_KAWPOW less than lolMiner_BeamV3 63.45%
PROFIT = 0.000013823400 SPEED = 6000000 NHSMA = 0.006142527817 NBMiner_KAWPOW less than lolMiner_BeamV3 70.09%
PROFIT = 0.000046217300 SPEED = 15 NHSMA = 4514.241632 lolMiner_BeamV3 less than lolMiner_BeamV3 0.00%
MOST PROFITABLE ALGO: lolMiner_BeamV3, PROFIT: 0.000046217295
[2020-09-11 05:41:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] Current Global profit: 3.80388861 USD/Day
[2020-09-11 05:41:48] [INFO] [MiningSession] Current Global profit: IS PROFITABLE MinProfit mine always regardless of profit
[2020-09-11 05:41:49] [INFO] [ClaymoreDual-MINER_ID(0)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1)] [pid(2296)|bin(miners\claymore_dual\EthDcrMiner64.exe)] directly Miner_Exited Will restart in 5000 ms
[2020-09-11 05:41:49] [INFO] [ClaymoreDual-MINER_ID(0)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1)] [pid(2296)|bin(miners\claymore_dual\EthDcrMiner64.exe)] Shutting down miner
[2020-09-11 05:41:49] [INFO] [ClaymoreDual-MINER_ID(0)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1)] Trying to kill all miner processes for this instance:
[2020-09-11 05:41:49] [INFO] [ClaymoreDual-MINER_ID(0)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1)] Nothing to kill [pid(2296)|bin(miners\claymore_dual\EthDcrMiner64.exe)], exMsg Process with an Id of 2296 is not running.
[2020-09-11 05:41:49] [INFO] [ClaymoreDual-MINER_ID(0)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1)] Trying to kill all miner processes for this instance:
[2020-09-11 05:41:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] [pid(3436)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)] Shutting down miner
[2020-09-11 05:41:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Trying to kill all miner processes for this instance:
[2020-09-11 05:41:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Nothing to kill [pid(2380)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)], exMsg Process with an Id of 2380 is not running.
[2020-09-11 05:41:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Nothing to kill [pid(3436)|bin(miners\lolMiner\lolMiner.exe)], exMsg Process with an Id of 3436 is not running.
[2020-09-11 05:41:49] [INFO] [lolMiner_AMD-MINER_ID(1)-DEVICE_IDs(0,1,2,3)] Trying to kill all miner processes for this instance:
[2020-09-11 05:41:49] [INFO] [AlgorithmSwitchingManager] Stop
[2020-09-11 05:41:49] [INFO] [Closing] 2932 NiceHashMinerLegacyff
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [NICEHASH] Starting up NiceHashMiner Legacy Fork Fix: Build date 08/19/2020 12:11:02
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [NICEHASH] Selected language: English
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [NICEHASH] Critical error: missing language
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [NICEHASH] WMI service seems to be running, ManagementObjectSearcher returned success.
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [NICEHASH] Start Form_Main
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [NICEHASH] Start InitializeComponent
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [NICEHASH] Start InitLocalization
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [SystemSpecs] FreePhysicalMemory = 3172624
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [SystemSpecs] FreeSpaceInPagingFiles = 36864000
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [SystemSpecs] FreeVirtualMemory = 38800804
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [SystemSpecs] LargeSystemCache = 0
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [SystemSpecs] MaxNumberOfProcesses = 4294967295
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [SystemSpecs] MaxProcessMemorySize = 8589934464
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [SystemSpecs] NumberOfLicensedUsers = 0
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [SystemSpecs] NumberOfProcesses = 41
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [SystemSpecs] NumberOfUsers = 2
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [SystemSpecs] OperatingSystemSKU = 1
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [SystemSpecs] SizeStoredInPagingFiles = 36864000
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [SystemSpecs] SuiteMask = 272
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [SystemSpecs] TotalSwapSpaceSize = 0
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [SystemSpecs] TotalVirtualMemorySize = 40994236
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [SystemSpecs] TotalVisibleMemorySize = 4132096
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [SystemSpecs] ProcessorCount = 2
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [NICEHASH] Start query RAM
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [NICEHASH] Total RAM: 4035MB
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [NICEHASH] Page File Size: 35998MB
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_ccminer
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_hsrneoscrypt
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_CryptoDredge
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_trex
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_NBMiner
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_miniZ
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_Kawpowminer
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_TTMiner
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_ZEnemy
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_ccminer_CryptoNight
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_ethminer_OCL
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_ethminer_CUDA
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_sgminer
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_mkxminer
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_teamredminer
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_lolMiner
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_lolMinerBEAM
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_cpuminer_opt
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_nheqminer_CPU
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_nheqminer_CUDA
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_eqm_CUDA
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_ClaymoreZcash
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_ClaymoreNeoscrypt
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_ClaymoreCryptoNight
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_XmrigAMD
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_XmrigNVIDIA
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_WildRig
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_SRBMiner
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_OptiminerZcash
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_excavator
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_ClaymoreDual
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_Phoenix
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_EWBF
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_Nanominer
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_GMiner
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_Bminer
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_Xmrig
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_CastXMR
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_lyclMiner
[2020-09-11 05:43:18] [INFO] [ExtraLaunchParameters] Loading internal params config MinerOptionPackage_dstm
[2020-09-11 05:43:19] [INFO] [ComputeDeviceManager.Query] Copy from C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\nvml.dll to c:\miner\NHML-fork-fix-31-1\nvml.dll done
[2020-09-11 05:43:19] [INFO] [ComputeDeviceManager.Query]
Win32_VideoController detected:
Name Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
Description Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
Manufacturer 174B
PNPDeviceID PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_67DF&SUBSYS_E347174B&REV_CF\4&2DDC6CBB&0&00E1
DriverVersion 22.19.659.1
Status OK
InfSection ati2mtag_Polaris10
AdapterRAM 4293918720
Win32_VideoController detected:
Name Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
Description Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
Manufacturer 174B
PNPDeviceID PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_67DF&SUBSYS_E347174B&REV_CF\4&63638AD&0&0008
DriverVersion 22.19.659.1
Status OK
InfSection ati2mtag_Polaris10
AdapterRAM 4293918720
Win32_VideoController detected:
Name NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
Description NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
Manufacturer Gigabyte
PNPDeviceID PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1C03&SUBSYS_37391458&REV_A1\4&2AF7FC6&0&00E3
Status OK
InfSection Section110
AdapterRAM 4293918720
Win32_VideoController detected:
Name NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
Description NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
Manufacturer Gigabyte
PNPDeviceID PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1C03&SUBSYS_37391458&REV_A1\4&6AE6995&0&00E4
Status OK
InfSection Section110
AdapterRAM 4293918720
Win32_VideoController detected:
Name Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
Description Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
Manufacturer 174B
PNPDeviceID PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_67DF&SUBSYS_E349174B&REV_CF\4&25A57E32&0&00E0
DriverVersion 22.19.659.1
Status OK
InfSection ati2mtag_Polaris10
AdapterRAM 4293918720
Win32_VideoController detected:
Name Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
Description Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
Manufacturer 174B
PNPDeviceID PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_67DF&SUBSYS_E349174B&REV_CF\4&36135B44&0&00E2
DriverVersion 22.19.659.1
Status OK
InfSection ati2mtag_Polaris10
AdapterRAM 4293918720
[2020-09-11 05:43:19] [INFO] [ComputeDeviceManager.Query] QueryCudaDevices START
[2020-09-11 05:43:20] [INFO] [NVAPI] Found handle for busid 5
[2020-09-11 05:43:20] [INFO] [NVAPI] Found handle for busid 6
[2020-09-11 05:43:20] [INFO] [GPU MEMORY: ] 6442450944 bytes - Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [GPU MEMORY: ] 6442450944 bytes - Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [ComputeDeviceManager.Query]
ADDED device:
ID: 0
BusID: 5
NAME: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
VENDOR: Gigabyte
UUID: GPU-f688d793-20e8-aba2-c28d-f2e12d808dee
SM: 6.1
MEMORY: 6442450944
NVML HANDLE: 8791282170744
ADDED device:
ID: 1
BusID: 6
NAME: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
VENDOR: Gigabyte
UUID: GPU-5f9c8297-f31c-29a7-96f1-b0ccf2902aaf
SM: 6.1
MEMORY: 6442450944
NVML HANDLE: 8791282260544
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [ComputeDeviceManager.Query] QueryCudaDevices END
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [ComputeDeviceManager.Query] QueryOpenCLDevices START
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [ComputeDeviceManager.Query]
AMDOpenCLDeviceDetection found devices success:
Found devices for platform: Intel(R) OpenCL
Found devices for platform: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
Device ID 0
Device NAME Ellesmere
Device ID 1
Device NAME Ellesmere
Device ID 2
Device NAME Ellesmere
Device ID 3
Device NAME Ellesmere
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [ComputeDeviceManager.Query] QueryOpenCLDevices END
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] QueryAMD START
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] Checking AMD device (driver): Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics (22.19.659.1)
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] Driver version seems to be or higher. NeoScrypt and Lyra2REv2 will be removed from list
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] Checking AMD device (driver): Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics (22.19.659.1)
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] Driver version seems to be or higher. NeoScrypt and Lyra2REv2 will be removed from list
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] Checking AMD device (driver): NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB (
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] Checking AMD device (driver): NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB (
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] Checking AMD device (driver): Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics (22.19.659.1)
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] Driver version seems to be or higher. NeoScrypt and Lyra2REv2 will be removed from list
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] Checking AMD device (driver): Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics (22.19.659.1)
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] Driver version seems to be or higher. NeoScrypt and Lyra2REv2 will be removed from list
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] AMD platform found: Key: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, Num: 1
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] AMD GPUs count : 4
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] AMD Getting device name and serial from ADL
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] Number Of Adapters: 26
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] ADL device added BusNumber:3 NAME:Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics UUID:PCI_VEN_1002&DEV_67DF_2DDC6CBB
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] ADL device added BusNumber:1 NAME:Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics UUID:PCI_VEN_1002&DEV_67DF_63638AD
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] ADL device added BusNumber:2 NAME:Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics UUID:PCI_VEN_1002&DEV_67DF_25A57E32
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] ADL device added BusNumber:4 NAME:Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics UUID:PCI_VEN_1002&DEV_67DF_36135B44
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] AMD Bus IDs are unique and valid. OK
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] Using AMD device creation DEFAULT Reliable mappings
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdQuery] AMD OpenCL and ADL AMD query COUNTS GOOD/SAME
[2020-09-11 05:43:21] [INFO] [AmdGpuDevice] List: Ellesmere
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [GPU MEMORY: ] 4294967296 bytes - Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [AmdGpuDevice] List: Ellesmere
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [GPU MEMORY: ] 4294967296 bytes - Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [AmdGpuDevice] List: Ellesmere
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [GPU MEMORY: ] 4294967296 bytes - Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [AmdGpuDevice] List: Ellesmere
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [GPU MEMORY: ] 4294967296 bytes - Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [AmdQuery]
QueryAMD [DEFAULT query] devices:
ADDED device:
ID: 0
NAME: Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
CODE_NAME: Ellesmere
NewUUID: AMD-b5ee3c51-2a90-5b5f-ac1e-794d7c28dca4
BusID: 3
DeviceID: 0
InfSection: ati2mtag_Polaris10
MEMORY: 4294967296
ADDED device:
ID: 1
NAME: Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
CODE_NAME: Ellesmere
UUID: PCI_VEN_1002&DEV_67DF_63638AD
NewUUID: AMD-090ab638-0ebb-5850-8969-3a45f3980975
BusID: 1
DeviceID: 1
InfSection: ati2mtag_Polaris10
MEMORY: 4294967296
ADDED device:
ID: 2
NAME: Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
CODE_NAME: Ellesmere
UUID: PCI_VEN_1002&DEV_67DF_25A57E32
NewUUID: AMD-f39f2626-20e4-5ad3-b8f6-25adfa2e14ef
BusID: 2
DeviceID: 2
InfSection: ati2mtag_Polaris10
MEMORY: 4294967296
ADDED device:
ID: 3
NAME: Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
CODE_NAME: Ellesmere
UUID: PCI_VEN_1002&DEV_67DF_36135B44
NewUUID: AMD-688f4abe-c389-5d9b-9eba-593a3a4f92ca
BusID: 4
DeviceID: 3
InfSection: ati2mtag_Polaris10
MEMORY: 4294967296
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [AmdQuery] QueryAMD END
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [ComputeDeviceManager.Query] Cuda NVIDIA/CUDA device count GOOD
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [ComputeDeviceManager.Query] AMD GPU device count BAD!!!
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [NVIDIA driver] CUDA 10.1
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [ComputeDeviceManager.Query] virtual memory size GOOD
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [GPU MEMORY: ] 6442450944 bytes - Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [GPU MEMORY: ] 6442450944 bytes - Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [GPU MEMORY: ] 4294967296 bytes - Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [GPU MEMORY: ] 4294967296 bytes - Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [GPU MEMORY: ] 4294967296 bytes - Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [GPU MEMORY: ] 4294967296 bytes - Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [NICEHASH] Setting environment variables
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [NICEHASH] Trying to enable/disable Windows error reporting
[2020-09-11 05:43:22] [INFO] [NICEHASH] Current DontShowUI value: 1
[2020-09-11 05:43:25] [INFO] [NICEHASH] nvidiasetp0state returned error code: 3
[2020-09-11 05:43:25] [INFO] [GITHUB] Check new version
[2020-09-11 05:43:25] [INFO] [GITHUB] Current version: 31.1
[2020-09-11 05:43:25] [INFO] [GITHUB] Current build: 20200819.121102
[2020-09-11 05:43:25] [INFO] [NHSMA] Try initialize SMA
[2020-09-11 05:43:26] [INFO] [SOCKET-address:] wss://nhmws.nicehash.com/v3/nhml
[2020-09-11 05:43:26] [INFO] [SOCKET] Connecting
[2020-09-11 05:43:26] [INFO] [SOCKET] 09/11/2020 05:43:26|Warn |Logger.set_Output:0|The current output action has been changed.
[2020-09-11 05:43:35] [INFO] [GITHUB] The operation has timed out
[2020-09-11 05:43:46] [INFO] [GITHUB] The operation has timed out
[2020-09-11 05:43:46] [INFO] [GITHUB] GITHUB Version: 0
[2020-09-11 05:43:46] [INFO] [GITHUB] GITHUB Build: 0
[2020-09-11 08:21:51] [INFO] [NICEHASH] Starting up NiceHashMiner Legacy Fork Fix: Build date 08/19/2020 12:11:02
[2020-09-11 08:21:51] [INFO] [NICEHASH] Selected language: English
[2020-09-11 08:21:51] [INFO] [NICEHASH] Critical error: missing language
[2020-09-11 08:21:51] [INFO] [NICEHASH] WMI service seems to be running, ManagementObjectSearcher returned success.
[2020-09-11 08:21:51] [INFO] [NICEHASH] Start Form_Main ...