Unfortunately, that's the reality for most countries. Corruption is still rampant everywhere. Lucky if you are residing in a country where corruption is minimal. Because with tax alone, government can already improve the lives of their constituents. However, with corruption involved, a lot of funds are going to the pockets of these irresponsible politicians.
It is not easy to clean the corruption especially if that was happen from a long time ago. It needs honesty and braveness from all officers to work better for their people. If their country can grow, that will benefit all of the people. Hopefully, the tax can be distribute to the right places.
does really exist no matter what. Tax is something that will really be commonly be misused specially if the officials are those people who do have bad intents on which this is something that they will really be using. As for taxation then just like on what everyone is really that talking into that it is normal for economical improvement or progress.There is really that those kind of hesitations when it comes to tax
usage.If the government will really be planning on taxing gambling on a particular country then there's nothing we can do but to deal with it.