Hey statsmajor,
The poker hand history feature hasn’t changed since it was launched. There might be a bit of confusion on how many hands can be displayed.
It is the last 50 hands per session up to 1000 hands total, then it begins to purge the old session/hands. If you played 1 hand per session/table then you could get up to 1000 hands but this is not a realistic situation although technically feasible.
Regarding the error message, it seems to occur when the system times out trying to retrieve the hands/session. We are working to resolve these time outs and it will allow us to expand the number of hands we can show per session.
Please contact
[email protected] and provide your account number so we can get someone to look into your issue with the hand history, if you are unable to ever see any hands (constant error message).
First of all that is a lie. It doesn't work. I have been getting the runaround from your support for weeks now. Nitrogen is full of shit.
Second of all, what the fuck is "the last 50 hands per session up to 1000 hands total". That is unbelievably stupid. Even if it was working what kind of fucking morons are you to come up with that form of hand histories after all these months. You guys are either impossibly stupid or you are just shady assholes running a crooked poker room (and from the sounds of it crooked blackjack as well). with each passing day I increasingly beliee the latter. Don't like what I am saying about your company?
JUST PROVIDE HAND HISTORIES SO I CAN BELIEVE YOUR CARDS RUN NORMALLY!!!! Every reputable poker room does it. If you can't fucking do that then why should anyone believe you guys are running a legit operation. STFU with your excuses about how it is not possible. It is ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE. If you can't get it done after all this time, shame on you.
As I have already said - you guys are liars and thieves and the online poker playing community needs to know.
Fuck you Nitrogen