What the fuck is up with poker hand histories at Nitrogen? You fucking scumbag thieves haven't posted one fucking update in over 2 months.
Nitrogen is a fucking rigged site. How fucking long is it going to take? You guys are fucking thieves robbing players expecting an honest, legitimate site. You lie about providing the transparency of hand histories. It's a fucking disgrace.
What is your excuse now?
You and your site are absolutely disgusting. Lying through your teeth and stealing money.
Fuck you and fuck Nitrogen.
The new poker hand history features are in the final stages of development. You can expect to see them available in the poker room within the next couple weeks. Thanks for your patience while we worked on this new feature!
Fuck you and fuck Nitrogen. You fucking lying thieves are unbelievable. The hand history still doesn't work and when I complain in the support I get ignored or told to use the hand history feature...that doesn't work.
The cards on your site do not run normally. There are far too many suckouts and you refuse to honor your commitment to transparency. It is unbelievable that you place a link to hand histories on your site that still doesn't work. It is clear as day that the site is CHEATING players out of their money.
I have had thousands of dollars STOLEN from me on your rigged site.
Let me hear your fucking bullshit excuse this time. I always enjoy the lies fand how you trivialize the issue.
Calm down, sir.
Poker rigged? I just know Nitrogen blackjack is rigged. Many people are victims.
I don't play blackjack much on the site. The couple of times I did I lost...which doesn't surprise me.
Regarding poker it is absolutely ridiculous that hand histories are still not available to analyze how the cards run.
1. They had the feature to offer hand histories and had been offering the 50 previous hands.
2. They claim they can review all hands for cheating.
3. The 1000 hand history was working and mysteriously stopped.
This doesn't add up. This was a moderation to the 50 hand history that should have taken 2 weeks, a month at most. It should include far more than the previous 100 hands. Instead there are lies, lies and more lies. And nothing pending.
This is a site run by liars and thieves who think that their anonymity gives them free reign to lie and steal without consequence. If this were not a bitcoin site there would have been lawsuits long ago. Instead it will be up to us to make sure their reputation reflects their dishonesty and that players know the site is run by thieves.